Dyna Soar on parabolic speed ?

Michel Van

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
13 August 2007
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Dyna-Soar (X-20) was planed for Low Earth Orbit flights

but Boeing and Martin proposed Dyna-Sonar type glider for Lunar mission
I wonder is Dyna-Saor fuselage can take the Speed and heat at reenter earth's atmosphere at parabolic speed
or are modification needed on fuselage and wings ?
Michel Van said:
Dyna-Soar (X-20) was planed for Low Earth Orbit flights

but Boeing and Martin proposed Dyna-Sonar type glider for Lunar mission
I wonder is Dyna-Saor fuselage can take the Speed and heat at reenter earth's atmosphere at parabolic speed
or are modification needed on fuselage and wings ?

A stock Dyna Soar would almost certainly melt if it came in from cislunar space. The "Dyna Soar type" gliders proposed early on for lunar missions *looked* like Dyna Soar, but would have required utterly different structures and heat shielding. Boeing also proposed a modified Dyne Soar that had additional wing surface area for plane change maneuvers and for coming in from higher orbits, but these were "skip" trajectories where the spaceplane would come in, do some aerodynamic manuevers, then bounce back into space and circularize the orbit. The spaceplane would then spend hours or days slowly cooling off.

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