Drones found in Syria

Michel Van

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
13 August 2007
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on this video
the Syrians Rebels claim to have conquer, ehh something...
German news claims it's a Weapon Laboratory
the Syrians Rebels claim it's some kind of workshop were IRAN Drones were repaired
My guess, they found Syrians government assembly line for there military drones..

I changed the topic's title from "Syrian" to "Syria" (name of country, not nationality) but for some reason the video disappeared on "Save"!

I have managed to restore the link but not the embedding. Sorry about that...
Seriously, I don't know what Assad's mainly Alawite forces and/or Iranian paramilitary Shi'a elements hope to achieve with this ... "technology". One could probably build something way more sophisticated by just browsing DIYDrones, Arduino or some other hobby site. Even then it's highly dubious that without a highly persistent operation, a rationally quantifiable set of purposes and an extensive integrated visual analysis structure any more qualitatively useful information could possibly emerge.

France24, for instance, managed to get a film crew with "rebel" elements (can't remember whether it was the Free Syrian Army, probably just an impromptu group of fighters with more or less nominal leaders): What emerged was a chaotic and complicated picture. "Accords" mediated by "trusted persons" between local government and rebel commanders. Casualties treated in makeshift clinics wherever. Recognizable encampments of different armed elements here and there but no real front lines stretching very far from particular neighborhoods and villages - beyond that it's just a free for all. Both sides' ability to mount anything beyond symbolic operations seems unlikely, especially in the face of the increasingly real and acute needs of the Syrian population. Bad and improvised tactics and strategies all around. Government operatives don civvies in an attempt to spy on rebels. Many government operatives seem equally eager to moonlight as rebel informants. Some of the (rebel) weaponry and signals hardware seemed remarkably new though.

So, what a glorified RC pilot and his buddy looking at a jumpy, buggy video feed might glean from flying these contraptions is quite literally anyone's guess. This is just the absurdity and hollowness of a dictatorship imploding into a morass of a tragedy. No amount of drones, Iranian, Chinese or Russian meddling can carve a role for Assad and his closely knit circle other than adding to the chaos. In the face of such impotence there can't be any morale left to speak of, save for those delusions that holding ostensibly unquestioned power brings. It's just a question of how long does the pointless suffering and this dangerous limbo continue. The only UAVs over Syria with the potential of decreasing the overall entropy on the ground originate from Turkey, Israel and perhaps the local US forces.
UpForce said:
Seriously, I don't know what Assad's mainly Alawite forces and/or Iranian paramilitary Shi'a elements hope to achieve with this ... "technology".

My suspicion is that they were not for Syrian use, but for Transjordanian use. They look like they'd be terrible recon platforms, but if your goal is to simply fly a load of explosives into a crowd of Israeli schoolchildren, these crappy drones would very likely be much more effective than the crappy rockets the Transjordanians have been launching for years.
Sorry, "Transjordanians"???
You probably meant "Cisjordanians" or "West Bank"?
There is of course another *slightly* less sinister purpose - they could be target drones. However, there is a certain grim ring of truth to the possible use put forward by OBB...
bipa said:
Sorry, "Transjordanians" ???
You probably meant "Cisjordanians" or "West Bank"?

Whatever you want to call 'em,

(EDIT: "Cisjordanians" would be more accurate, yes. However, since the Jordanian government stripped them of Jordanian citizenship in 1988, I guess that leaves them stateless)

they've been using drones to attack civilian targets for years now:

Hezbollah is equipped with Ababil ("Swallow") drones, which are manufactured and provided by Iran.

The Ababil has several models, including one that can carry a warhead packed with several dozens of kilograms of explosives.
The first Ababil drones were given to Hezbollah in 2002. The Shiite group had previously launched several of them into Israeli airspace, mostly as a power play.

Hezbollah attempted to use the drones during the Second Lebanon War, sending two UAVs, carrying 40-50kg of explosives each into Israeli airspace.

It would not surprise me if Syria was manufacturing drone for the same purpose and same customers.

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