Douglas A3D Skywarrior


ACCESS: Secret
2 April 2020
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I have a question related to the very late development versions of the Skywarrior from the late 1970s and the 1980s. Apparently, the (E)RA-3Bs were fitted with Litton’s INS, I guess the LTN-51 or similar, two UHF airband AN/ARC-159 radios and the ‘commercial’ VHF and VOR by Collins from their 618M line. Does anyone have any details of such setups?
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A little correction. The website below sports the VAQ-34's (est. 1983) ERA-3B cockpit image:

Clearly visible are two ARC-159 UHF radios, an ARN-118 TACAN, a VHF AM radio, likely the ARC-101, a Litton LN-211 Omega navigation system, an unknown Bendix (?) weather radar and an ARN-14E VOR. The BDHI HDG toggle switch suggests that the Whale retained the ASN-50 and ASN-41 navigation computers from the previous life of the airframe before it was retrieved from the boneyard.
Thank you for sharing! If I'm right, this Whale was owned by Raytheon from the late 1980s or early 1990s. There is a YT recording of its flight showing the similar avionics suite. I recognized the following items, which were not used in the early (E)RA-3Bs in the 1960-1970s.
  • Two ARC-159 UHF COM
  • An ARN-118 TACAN
  • Two commercial Collins 618M COM/NAV
  • Bendix weather radar (I am unable to determine the type.)
  • MM-2 Remote Attitude Indicator (large ADI)
  • AAU-21/A altimeter w./alt. encoder
  • An unusual DZUS mil-style audio and Marker Beacon panel
  • APX-100 IFF
  • Commercial Litton LTN-51 INS (Interestingly two similar control panels can be spotted)
The latter INS is interesting, since the ERA-3B of the VAQ-34 cockpit that I posted about above had a Litton LN-211 Omega, which I presume was standard in the early 1980s ERA-3B upgrade package for the VAQ-34 and VAQ-33 squadrons. I guess that only the Raytheon guys have installed the commercial LTN-51 and two 618M NAV/COM sets.
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The LTN-211 Omega was used in the upgraded USN A-3s:

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