What's the context?

If this is from 1971, I suspect it is an early artist concept of a potential European space tug for the NASA space shuttle. Europe was initially offered the tug job until the USAF objected, noting (correctly) that this would be making Europe responsible for building a piece of hardware that was essential to launching US military and intelligence satellites. So the offer was rescinded and the USAF began looking at potential space tug ideas. They didn't get very far because of costs. The idea of a reusable vehicle was abandoned, and USAF and NASA decided to settle for the Interim Upper Stage (IUS) and later the Centaur. IUS became the Inertial Upper Stage after it was clear that it was more than just "interim." Centaur got built, but canceled after the Challenger accident.
for those who wonder why need the Tug a landing gear ?
It was a "backdoor option" at NASA to use the Space Tug as Lunar lander

so far i know next to Dornier had MBB also a Space Tug study
oddly there are no French or Italian Space Tug Study for ELDO ?
...Excellent find, Barry! I've been aware of the Dornier Tug since the late 70's, but haven't seen any of the imagery save the first one before. Someone asked about it on .history about a decade back, but outside of the usual "ISTR something about that..." and "I'll defer to Henry Spencer", we never managed to dig up anything substantial about this gem.
The space tug propulsion system would consist of two basic modules - the core unit, including engines and auxiliary tank modules. As the propellant is contained in several tank modules, the quantity of propellant can be adjusted to suit the mission requirements by varying the number of auxiliary tanks.


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Inspiration for Salvage One?

Perhaps Starship could release a tank while ascending such that it could rendezvous with the core...no docking needed to refuel... ISS grabs it and puts it in place.
Inspiration for Salvage One?

Perhaps Starship could release a tank while ascending such that it could rendezvous with the core...no docking needed to refuel... ISS grabs it and puts it in place.

How can it release a tank while under thrust (ascending)? What is going to control the tank? ISS is not a transportation node.
Starship is not going to use the ISS orbit.

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