Dornier Do 24 post-war derivatives

In Spanish AF SAR service, I think I have more and better images about it. I'll try to locate it.
Could it be, that actually the Do 24/72 is meant, which was a revival of the Do 24T as an amphibian
with turboprop engines from the year 1972 ?
From an old "aviation magazine"


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Has been developed (or directly lead to) into Do-24ATT amphibian.
Curiously, the boat is still alive and has been used for supporting UNICEF efforts and more.
In 2004 two world records have been established.
Not bad *-)


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Lots of pictures on
Jemiba said:
Could it be, that actually the Do 24/72 is meant, which was a revival of the Do 24T as an amphibian
with turboprop engines from the year 1972 ?

Its from a 1973 Paris Airshow report, so maybe so.

Found this:

Dornier is planning a new, turboprop version of its prewar DO-24T trimotor amphibian. The new plane, designated DO-24/72, is primarily intended for search and rescue operations in rough seas, but cargo and passenger versions are possible, and Dornier is looking at possible applications in ocean surveillance, medical evacuation, firefighting, and antisubmarine warfare. The company hopes to sell 150 to 200 of the craft at a price of approximately $3 million apiece.

The high-wing, twin-tail airplane would be produced as a joint venture between Dornier and Construcciones Aeronauticas of Madrid. The Spanish Defense Ministry would like to buy 30 of the craft, which are expected to have a wingspan of 91.9 ft., an overall length of 78.7 ft., an overall height of 23.4 ft., a range of 1,988 mi., and an endurance time of approximately 14 hours. The maiden flight is tentatively scheduled for 1975.
The Do 24 ATT was a modified Do 24T, still recognisable by the old fin shape. The Do 24/72 would
have been newbuilt aircraft, based on the Do 24T, but with several modifications.

From FlugRevue 4/1976:
Modifications: Longer fuselage (24,35m against 21,95m) with headroom in the middle aisle, primary structure
made of NC-milled parts. Wings with longer span (28,00m against 27,00m) and larger wing-area (110 m² against
108m²), higher aspect ratio (7,12 against 6,75) and less taper, central wing using the NACA 23016 and outer wings
the NACA 4412, pneumatical de-icing. The Do 24/72 would have been orderable as a pure flying boat, too, but weight
penalty for the landing gear was estimated as about 500 kg only.
Proposed engines were the PT 6A-50 or the Avco-Lycoming T 53-21A at first, but later only the PT 6A was mentioned.
To prevebt water-ingestion a special intake was designed (see picture)


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Hi Jemiba!

Thanks for additional data and images.
Looks like Dornier' engineers plans to seriously modify 40-years old designed aircraft.
For me, its looks unachievable in 1976, although, when I see, what Basler company made with C-47 -all seems possible in good hands!

P.S. Did anyone remembers such type of turboprop' intake on real aircraft?
Found this in 'Claude Dornier - Ein Leben für die Luftfahrt' by Joachim Wachtel. Aviatic Verlag, 1989. Wachtel describes it as an enlarged Do24 for the Seenotrettungsdienst, no further particulars, not even the year in which this design was proposed. The Do318 is also mentioned in 'Secret German aircraft projects of 1945´, Toros Publications, 1997. None built. I suspect it's a wartime design.

The Do72 appears to be closer to the Do318 than to the Do24: cockpit shape, fin and rudder.

Do24 length: 22.05m
Do24 span: 27m

Do72 length: 24m
Do72 span: 28

No dimensions available for Do318.


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from " Les avions Dornier" minidocavia de P Gaillard


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Arjen said:
The Do72 appears to be closer to the Do318 than to the Do24: cockpit shape, fin and rudder.

Good clue, the shape of the fin really is very similar and the nose, too. Just had a look into
Fred Gütschow "Die deutschen Flugboote", for the Do 318, he gives the following data:
Span 30,0m, length 24,0m, modifications were mainly a longer nose, a higher fuselage and
wider span wing stubs. The project was drawn in 1943 as a SAR and reconnaissance aircraft.

The Do 24/72 actually was a descendant of the Do 24A, a twin-engined derivative of the Do 24,
proposed in 1966, and the Do 324 from 1967.
The Do 24/72 was at first planned to be built in co-operation with the spanish aviation industry,
and later, after this proposal was cancelled, it was envisaged as a workshare project between
Dornier and Aerospatiale, as France was interested in the Do 24/72 as a successor to the
Canadair CL 215.


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Two more designs , a Do24A from "Flugrevue Katalog 1978" and a Do 24TT from "Aviation Magazine 1980"


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Was the Do 24/72 the version that was supposed to be powered by two P & W R-2800s (CB16s, IIRC)? I had read mention of a version this twin engined version somewhere, but never saw any pics or drawings.

Jemiba said:
Arjen said:
The Do72 appears to be closer to the Do318 than to the Do24: cockpit shape, fin and rudder.

Good clue, the shape of the fin really is very similar and the nose, too. Just had a look into
Fred Gütschow "Die deutschen Flugboote", for the Do 318, he gives the following data:
Span 30,0m, length 24,0m, modifications were mainly a longer nose, a higher fuselage and
wider span wing stubs. The project was drawn in 1943 as a SAR and reconnaissance aircraft.

The Do 24/72 actually was a descendant of the Do 24A, a twin-engined derivative of the Do 24,
proposed in 1966, and the Do 324 from 1967.
The Do 24/72 was at first planned to be built in co-operation with the spanish aviation industry,
and later, after this proposal was cancelled, it was envisaged as a workshare project between
Dornier and Aerospatiale, as France was interested in the Do 24/72 as a successor to the
Canadair CL 215.
In the Gütschow book, engine type for the Do 24A is given as P & W R 1800 CB 17. The Do 24/72 I've only seen
as a 3-engined turboprop aircraft so far. But with regards to the fertile work in the Dornier design office, a twin-
engined Do 24/72 (with a more powerful engine type) can well have been designed. But I would doubt, that during
the `70s still piston engines would have been used.
That would be a typo regarding R-1800 & should be R-2800. The CB 17 would be what I'm thinking of & I think it may have been an Air Inernational article on the Do 24 many years ago. In the '70s, large piston engines were still in consideration.

Jemiba said:
In the Gütschow book, engine type for the Do 24A is given as P & W R 1800 CB 17. The Do 24/72 I've only seen
as a 3-engined turboprop aircraft so far. But with regards to the fertile work in the Dornier design office, a twin-
engined Do 24/72 (with a more powerful engine type) can well have been designed. But I would doubt, that during
the `70s still piston engines would have been used.
You're right indeed ! Only the R-2800 matches the 2530 hp, which are mentioned.
That along with P & W never made an R-1800. :) I guess it could have been a typo for R-1830, but you're not getting 2530 HP out of it.

Jemiba said:
You're right indeed ! Only the R-2800 matches the 2530 hp, which are mentioned.
The Do 24/72 project resembled the Do 324 project but was powered by turbine propellers and differed mainly in the shape of the wing's trailing edge.
Spain and France were interested at some point to associate with Dornier on the project, but nothing came of it.

This project was mentioned a couple of times in this thread, but not pictured. Here is a three-view arrangement:


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Images from the Dornier Do 24/72 brochure.



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