Diplane Yordanov-1


ACCESS: Confidential
19 June 2020
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Meet the first Bulgarian designed aircraft! This plane was designed by the successful Assen Jordanoff, following the necessity for a domestic aircraft is Bulgaria. The need had its roots in the Second Balkan war, which caused the fledgling Bulgarian air industry to begin to fall flat after only just getting started. With Bulgaria being completely surrounded by countries that did not like it, Bulgaria struggled to get aircraft from other nations. As a result, Bulgaria decided to attempt looking inwards to get an aircraft.

Information Sources(I will need help filling in blanks):

Seats: 2x, pilot + passenger(instructor)
Load factor: –
Airframe: wood wire and fabric
Power: Argus 100HP
Length: 7.6m / 25ft
Wing span: 10.00m / 32.8ft
Wing area: 30 sq.m / 323 sq.ft
MTOM: 750kg / 1654 lb
Mass empty: 460 kg / 1014 lb
Stall speed: –
Cruise: –
Endurance: –

The aircraft first flew on August 7th, 1915. Does anyone know about any possible armaments (both primary and secondary)?

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