Did I glimpse...


ACCESS: Top Secret
15 July 2009
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Did I glimpse a weird pseudo-medical post in the moments before it failed moderation ??

I'd begun drafting a snarky debunk, found my target had vanished...
Apparatus generating 'electromagnetic radiation' to render viruses harmless. Complete and utter nonsense, from the offices of a 'reputable' news agency.
Apparatus generating 'electromagnetic radiation' to render viruses harmless.

That sounds *delightful.* EM radiation that screws with a virus will blast your own DNA to bits.
Rule 1 of Aircraft Radar engineer, stay away from the pointy end.

We also noted a high % of female babies born to the team.

I refer you to rule#1
We also noted a high % of female babies born to the team.

That would be an interesting observation to confirm. And then to confirm whether or not those female babies are medically fit, or if they have an increase in risk for cancer or other genetic issues. And if it's true, and if it's safe... such a thing could be useful for social engineering. Say, on planetary colonies where an increase in population is needed, or western countries with lower birth rates. More women = more babies.

"Here, put your junk in front of this suspiciously death-ray looking device. It'll be *fine,* trust me!"

I suspect, though, that if it's true, the babies are... a little different. Downs Syndrome or cancerous or sterile or dangerhaired or something.
Did I glimpse a weird pseudo-medical post in the moments before it failed moderation ??

I'd begun drafting a snarky debunk, found my target had vanished...

There are glimpses. And then there are eyefuls.

Apparatus generating 'electromagnetic radiation' to render viruses harmless. Complete and utter nonsense, from the offices of a 'reputable' news agency.

History doesn't repeat, but it often rhymes. Very 1920s.

Don't waste your energy with the B.S...

Don't sell cow dung short (or is there a gender derived qualitative difference, I don't know); anyway, apparently a manure cooker's output has been found to be between 10000 and 18000 kJ/kg. I didn't bother investigating whether these values were for wet or dry substances nor did I look into more sophisticated biogas processes and their energy equivalencies.

Observing current developments, there seem to be psychosocial analogies of manure in "energizing" all sorts of activities wherein its potential is also surprisingly great and quite measurable, e.g. from likes and shares to true crises. The appearences and vanishings of discussions in this environment and the apparitions busily hovering over it all make for a low-rent David Copperfield -show experience.

I guess moderation in moderation is an art in itself. On occasion, though, omitting information by active measures can constitute quite potent B.S in and of itself, can it not?
The original poster appeared to be using the appearance of this device in a more-or-less legitimate Russian news agency website to make a possibly political point. On either side, it didn't seem to be a useful post.
That resembles...
IMHO, we're well rid of its woo.

FWIW, beyond the curious news that Tennis Djock has just 'bought into' similar, I thought my Chrome browser had misbehaved. Since the recent big release, pages often appear in skeletal form, need a 'refresh' or 'update' to format correctly. Some just vanish...

And, why, oh, why does Chrome think STL model files are meant to be opened as text ?? I've a couple of big 'budget' buys that I cannot download, as Chrome auto-opens them. Well, at least tries to. Saving page does not work, partly because files are too big, choke Chrome. Sadly, author won't zip and re-post, though would shrink file-size...

If you 'Go, Go, Google', results direct you to a Chrome settings menu which is no longer available...

Sorry, I pulled an all-nighter drafting a story, have woken grumpier than usual.
Prescription: More caffeine, lots more caffeine...
And, yes, play with the cats...

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