Design reference for navy airplane (carrier) ?


ACCESS: Restricted
16 December 2007
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Is there any book on configuration, requirement, sizing, aircraft design for Navy aircraft carrier airplane ? In particular, wing, landing gear, wing folding, arrest hook design...

Thanks in advance ~~
i don't know of one specific to Carrier planes, but other design textbooks cover some of the topics. I recommend Raymer and Roskam.
other than that, major differences with land planes include but are not limited to

-demonstrate 24 feet/second sinkspeed landing
-landing gear turnover angle of less than 54 degrees
-weight and approach speed compatible with the type of catapult and arrestor gear used on a particular carrier
-'marinization' of materials (no magnesium...)
-Electro magnetic interference problems with shipboard gear
-Engines extraction from the bottom
-Spotting factor as small as possible
-wingspan limitation to accomodate two a/c on the bow catapults

and the list goes on...
Yea...that's why it's frustrating..It's such a deep subject, there should be some books around. I have Roskam, and his lecture on part 25 airplane, and few books on Ed Heinenmann, but that's about it.
hmmmm....Any link for downloading ? not available to public ?
Thanks ~~
Copies of SD-24 Generai Specification are available from the Defense Printing Service, Bldg 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia,PA 19111-5094.

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