Design challenge for an LSA that can fold into an ISO 20 shipping container


I really should change my personal text
Senior Member
11 March 2012
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This design challenge focuses on a Light Sport Airplane that can fold into an ISO 20 shipping container.
One pilot must be able to pull it out, unfold it and do a pre-flight inspection with 15 minutes.
Bonus points for the fewest steps to ready the aircraft for flight.
We have been discussing this challenge over on
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Are there other performance requirements? Some heavily overbuilt, over expensive, low performance solution can be made to fulfil the listed requirement without considering what is normally needed for "practicality".
Are there other performance requirements? Some heavily overbuilt, over expensive, low performance solution can be made to fulfil the listed requirement without considering what is normally needed for "practicality".
This is really a challenge for quick, simple and light-weight folding mechanisms. I have my own innovations, but want to see what other people suggest.
Be careful what you wish for...
Near RAF Woodvale, what began as a micro-light pilot's use of a friendly farmer's stubble-field grew very popular. Until the day a micro-light came apart in mid-air and, so the story goes, fell into a nearby golf-course green's sand-trap to horror of players...

Local humorists had those players hastily consulting club rules to determine stroke penalty for ball(s) buried by such debris, but Air Accident Investigation etc led to field formally re-inventing itself as 'Ince Micro-light Airstrip'...
I think we could design a Stealth Light Fighter that can fold into an ISO 20 shipping container.
Local humorists had those players hastily consulting club rules to determine stroke penalty for ball(s) buried by such debris, but Air Accident Investigation etc led to field formally re-inventing itself as 'Ince Micro-light Airstrip'...
Ouch, that would HURT. Poor bugger is already in enough trouble.
I'm also reminded of that tiny aeroplane --Perhaps a Bede ? -- which featured at start of a James Bond movie. Began 'folded' into a double-horsebox trailer...

Okay, there was artistic license, cut-shots etc etc, of course, of course, but, if it was that Bede, the real one was infamous for landing on free-way and taxiing into gas-station for top-up...
If artifical muscles are a thing...a hopping legged glider drone. Afghanistan has 'the wind of one hundred twenty days. A strider would be silent death. No prop-wash, no engine. A winged Djinn...

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