Default style


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25 June 2014
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This morning I logged in to find that the site's default style has changed from light to dark. Eek!
Luckily is is easy enough to change one's account preferences, but for visitors not logged in the default experience is now radically changed.
Is this deliberate, or an admin hiccup of some kind?
I was just taking a screenshot with dark mode while not logged on as me :)

I've changed it back now.

Personally I really dislike the "light" style now, but I understand other opinions may differ :)
Old enough I am, your father probably to be!

The Dark Side headaches gives me.
Go to the 'Preferences' submenu in 'Settings', and then select 'SPF Dark 2.0' in the Style options.
I'm not sure where to post this.
Since yesterday I've noticed than on my Personal Computer the secret projects forum text (all text!) shows as Bold which makes it difficult to differentiate between active threads with new comment and older uncommented ones.
I've even tried the mark all threads read option but it did not help.
Here is a screenshot:

This is the naval projects subforum which I have all threads read yet it shows them in bold eg with unread comments.
I've checked it on a laptop and it shows normally. On this PC I've opened it in Internet Explorer and showing it bold too. So not Browser specific.
What could cause this issue?
Damaged font?
In Word the Times New Roman Font works normal eg it has both bold and normal letters.
Or the site uses different font type?

Other sites did not shown such issues!
Mine's working OK; though I notice that a simple click-through is not enough to de-bold the link; I have to interact with the linked thread before the site knows I have visited it.
This bold text does show up in the body text.
No idea if this behaviour is different from what it used to be.
I'm not sure where to post this.
Since yesterday I've noticed than on my Personal Computer the secret projects forum text (all text!) shows as Bold which makes it difficult to differentiate between active threads with new comment and older uncommented ones.
I've even tried the mark all threads read option but it did not help.
Here is a screenshot:
View attachment 662659

This is the naval projects subforum which I have all threads read yet it shows them in bold eg with unread comments.
I've checked it on a laptop and it shows normally. On this PC I've opened it in Internet Explorer and showing it bold too. So not Browser specific.
What could cause this issue?
Damaged font?
In Word the Times New Roman Font works normal eg it has both bold and normal letters.
Or the site uses different font type?

Other sites did not shown such issues!

This is the font list in order of preference:

font-family: Roboto,'Helvetica Neue',Helvetica,Arial,Ubuntu,Cantarell,'Fira Sans','Droid Sans',sans-serif;

This is the original list - I removed Segoe UI and Oxygen from the list.

Roboto,'Segoe UI', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Fira Sans', 'Droid Sans', sans-serif

weights used are : 300 (light) 400 (normal) 700 (bold).

The topic list uses 400 and 700 which should map to normal and bold.

This should render fine, unless the selected font has missing normal version of font.

I've restored the original list - does that fix it?

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