Data/dimensions for the Morane Saulnier MS.270 ?


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11 March 2006
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I'm trying to make a 3-view of the MS.270 4-engined bomber project from 1930, based on the side-view in
Trait d'Union. Still yet my only clue to size are the depictions of the crew members and comparisons to similar
aircraft, e.g. the Farman 222.
Anybody who has more precise data ? :-\


  • MS-270.jpg
    31.4 KB · Views: 100
My dear Jemiba,

the MS.270 was a BN.5,that means five crew,and you can make early sketch to
it to make a comparison with side-view.
Five crew, that's clear and from the side view, I opted for side-by-side seating for pilot/co-pilot.
The closest equivalent I've found still is the Farman 222 with basically the same layout. Average
body height in 1933 in Germany was 170 cm (I hope, it wasn't too different in France then), so the
fuselage was somewhat longer, than the Farman. But how affects this span ? I've increased wing
area by the same ratio, but with the shown root depth span seems to be too long, just by appearance,
so I probably will change just linear to fuselage length.
But some hard data would be great ! :-\


  • reco.jpg
    48.2 KB · Views: 57
My dear Jemiba,

I think you are very close to original drawing,great work.

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