Dassault Jericho unmanned bomber


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11 March 2006
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.. and this Yerikho/Jericho is definitely another design, than the one, shown
in the Carlier/Berger book, which was more a "bombardier sans pilote" or
"bombardier robot", than a missile.


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[quote author=Jemiba].. and this Yerikho/Jericho is definitely another design, than the one, shown in the Carlier/Berger book, which was more a "bombardier sans pilote" or "bombardier robot", than a missile.[/quote]

Fascinating design! Like what a purified ideal Mirage IV could have been...

Any more info about it, please?
Jemiba said:
.. and this Yerikho/Jericho is definitely another design, than the one, shown
in the Carlier/Berger book, which was more a "bombardier sans pilote" or
"bombardier robot", than a missile.

This (twin Atar?) design appears to be the rougnly the same size as the production Mirage IV, although the wing loading would appear to be far higher? Why? Was it a low level optimised one-way drone?
TinWing said:
This (twin Atar?) design appears to be the rougnly the same size as the production Mirage IV, although the wing loading would appear to be far higher? Why? Was it a low level optimised one-way drone?

It's an 1957's evolution of the first 1956's project (the 1956's project was nearer of the production Mirage IV)
The 1957's project is a reusable high altitude bomber (the 1956's project was not reusable) :
-2 x 47000kgp rockets (during 3 seconds) to take off
-2 x 8500 kgp ATAR M 26 engine (the text says : and one ramjet but the drawing shows that 2 ramjets with combined engines seems more logical)
-Length : 21 m
-weight : 23700 kg
-Range : 3000 km
-Speed : mach 3,5 (25000 m)
Hello All

Attached are extremely rare drawings of a rejected proposal offered by Dassault to Israeli MOD in the early 1960's of the Jericho missile,but in a form of a cruise missile rather then a ballistic missile - which was eventually chosen and developed under the MD-620 designation.
The drawings were published in only one source - in Michael Karpin's documentry "Bomb in the Basement"
See here

English Version


French Version


The thing is that the drawings appeared only in the film's Hebrew version,which was aired in Israel only ones in 2001,and they do not appear in the English nor the French versions.
To my knowledge,it is the first and only time that those proposals ever published in public (even though the documentery had failed to detect this startling revelation,and still refered to the Jericho as a balistic missile,even though the drawings clearly show cruise missiles),and despite my best effords i've yet to come up with additional references for these rejected proposals.

Any thoughts?


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Have you tried this
Dassault: 50 Years of Aeronautical Adventure 1945- 1995 (2 Volumes in slipcase), Volume 1: The Corporation, Volume 2: The Programs

I recently flicked through it with the intention of going back for some photocopies somewhen - I seem to remember a ballistic missile in it and a Jericho unmanned aircraft I think?

I'll very much appreciate if you can scan and upload here any relevent data you might find in these books.
Attachments by new users below a certain post count require admin approval to make sure they aren't hack attempts or porn. I have approved them.
dingodog said:
I'll very much appreciate if you can scan and upload here any relevent data you might find in these books.
About Jericho


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dingodog said:
I'll very much appreciate if you can scan and upload here any relevent data you might find in these books.
About Minerve


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A web page on the MD 620 here: http://fuseurop.univ-perp.fr/md620_e.htm
The rejected Sud Aviation project was named BAR. It was to be a two-stage missile of same diameter than the MD 620, each stage being equipped with four lateral revolving motors with the nozzle canted at an angle of 45 degrees for the guidance, like Berenice and others (see http://fuseurop.univ-perp.fr/onera_e.htm).
The Sud Aviation competitor of Minerve E5, named X422, was tested 3 times in 1967.


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So, it seems a confusion was made about Jericho by the documentary makers. 1962's Jericho was a ballistic missile, this unmanned bomber project is from 1956-57.

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