Dassault, 100 years of french aviation history

Yes, in French, but very interesting footage nevertheless and most of it in colour !
And most of it is self-explaining anyway.
Many thanks for pointing to it ! ;)
Thank you, Deltafan!

The movie is great - it depicted both Marcel Bloch (Dassault) and the people, making aviation in the same period. I'm really appreciated unobtrusive colorization of the black-and-white reels as well presentation of historical scenes by the actors. As the movie dedicated for more wide audience, then aviation fans - these art solutions seems to be good.

Don't understand French, and anyway really enjoyed the movie.
I have a copy of this video if anyone is interested. It is a 1.7 GB .ts file, so you'll need an upload server.
Also the video "Boeing 777 le grand check-up" from the same TV channel.
Thanks Jemiba, Silencer1 and Dan_inbox :)

It's now available on YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PV3cFSJQ79k

I think that the first half is the most interesting (the second half is more known).

I think too that I never saw before flying :

-Eclair Propeller (flying on Caudron G3),
-MB 81,
-MB 120,
-MB 210,
-MB 220,
-MB 131
-MB 151/152.
A silly question: Are those early post was scenes colorized (and maybe faded in the meantime), or were
they actually taken on colour film ? IIRC, Technicolor was rarely used even during the war.
Obviously colorized
Perhaps, this link to "Dassault Aviation" site chapter, called "Passion" would be useful add-on to the documentary:

Company history, aircraft datasheets and photos, persons etc.

Good collection of all Dassault-related stuff.

Jemiba said:
A silly question: Are those early post was scenes colorized (and maybe faded in the meantime), or were
they actually taken on colour film ? IIRC, Technicolor was rarely used even during the war.
colorized and probably repaired before (I don't know if remasterized is a good word for this). That's the first time that I see such a work on so old movies.
Jemiba said:
A silly question: Are those early post was scenes colorized (and maybe faded in the meantime), or were
they actually taken on colour film ? IIRC, Technicolor was rarely used even during the war.

Allot of old scenes/picture before ww2 were excellent restored & colorized by computer for this movie
There some scenes with it original colorization by hand
The post WW2 scenes feature original colored film were available.

i have to say the makers of this documentation made a excellent job !
Does anyone know what is the name of American movie from the 90's where an American F-16 was shot down in Libya by a mirage 3 where the crew consists of a pilot and an American actor who will be captured by the Libyans and will manage to escape with a mirage
The action is in the 90s when at a US naval base in Italy US Air Force will hire an actor to shoot a commercial for new recruits. But the famous actor will be mounted in a two-seater F-16 to hold a demonstration flight but somewhere off the coast of Libya they will be intercepted by a Libyan Mirage-3 or Mirage-5 and shot down.

They will normally be captured but will be able to escape with a Mirage-3 to Sicily

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