In 2010, DARPA announced the Precision Close Air Support (PCAS) program. The idea was to equip an optionally manned A-10 with a kit that would enable joint tactical air controllers to take command of sensors and weapons on manned and unmanned aircraft to increase the speed and accuracy of fire support for ground forces.

Aviation Week & Space Technology reported that "DARPA plans a live-fire demonstration of PCAS at the end of Fiscal 2014 using a Fairchild A-10 modified for optionally manned operation. The A-10 will be equipped with dual Litening targeting pods to demonstrate that one aircraft could attack multiple targets, or service multiple controllers, simultaneously."
Whisperstream, please note that the "P" stands for PERSISTENT, and NOT Precision.
Either someone at the BBC remembered this program (it's not mentioned in the article itself), or else someone couldn't be bothered to double check the image credits: http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20150715-killer-robots-the-soldiers-that-never-sleep

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