Danish Niels Juel Class Preliminary Designs

The Korvet 72 was the precursor to the Niels Juel-class.

On 19 December 1972 the Korvet-72 (aka KV-72) was begun, a small corvette of 1,300 tons to replace the four Triton-class corvettes. On 12 January 1973 Orlogsværftet completed the first sketch design, B.3. This had a standard displacement of 1,050 tons, full load displacement of 1,200 tons and overall length was 82m. Max speed was 20kt on diesels and 30kt p gas turbines with the possibility of achieving 32kt.
Design F.3 had a standard displacement 1,220 tons, full load displacement1,375 tons. The length was 90m, crew of 85.
The further refined F.4 was completed on 14 March, standard displacement was 1,175 tonnes, full load 1,325 tonnes. Overall length reduced to 85 m, crew increased to 90.
F.5 was 5m longer, standard displacement 1,250 tons and full load 1,400 tons. Crew of 95.

During the summer 1973 the specifications were firmed up to 1,300 tons, 85m, 90 crew. Yarrow (Y-ARD) were then brought into the programme to refine the design, their design exhibited in 1974 is attached and looks very much like the final design for Niels Juels.

The image gollevainen posted comes from a 1974 Swedish publication, the caption of which translates as:
Denmark currently builds ten torpedo boats named cb type 68. The ships, which are very similar to our own Spica, have a displacement of about 200 ton. The speed is estimated at 40 knots. The ships will be armed with artillery and torpedoes or robots. The most likely robot option is the American Harpoon. The torpedo carriers will form part of the attack unit with corvettes as flotilla leaders. For this purpose, two new speedboats are being built with a displacement of approx. 1200 ron. The ships will be equipped with 75 mm automatic cannons, as well as naval and air defense robots. The speed is stated to be about 35 knots.
The drawing could well be the B.3 sketch design, the hull of the ship on the plan scales out at roughly 82m long.


  • Denmark KV-72 YARD Design 1975.png
    Denmark KV-72 YARD Design 1975.png
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