Cyrano Radar Family

overscan (PaulMM)

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27 December 2005
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The CYRANO family

The CYRANO "saga" began in 1958, after the choice of the MIRAGE III from Avions Marcel Dassault as the weapon aircraft of the French Air Force. These aircraft were to be equipped with a state-of-the-art forward radar and Marcel Dassault, whose electronics department under department under the direction of Bertrand Daugny had designed an airborne radar for light interceptors, the
Marcel Dassault, whose electronics department under the direction of Bertrand Daugny had designed an airborne radar for light interceptors, the "Super ALADIN", questioned CSF's ability to produce a radar of this type.

CSF decided to take up the challenge and promised a ground demonstration within six months of a monopulse radar model compatible with the MIRAGE IIIC. This was a world first, as the competing radars used much less efficient scanning tracking. [translator note: incorrect - Ferranti AI.23 was designed before this)

G. Le Parquier's mission was to convince a state commission of the interest of a monopulse antenna and a very original firing calculator... without giving too much information likely to benefit the competition!

But the CSF model was still not very advanced and, as no risk could be taken, it was the classic solution with a scanning antenna proposed by Dassault that was chosen at first.

Fortunately, for CSF, the events in Algeria in 1958 "froze" this first decision and, in mid-July, it was possible to present again its model, which surprised by its performance and called into question the initial choice.

This is how the following contracts were awarded successively in October 1958 and within a fortnight of each other. The conditions were draconian: the deadline was set for the development of the prototype, which was to be completed by the end of the year, and the contract was to be signed by the end of the year. The conditions were draconian: one year for the prototype, two years for the pre-series and 27 months for the 3 of the first production run, with a ramp-up to one radar every two working days. Penalties were doubled for delays.

Three CYRANO I prototypes were built to evaluate the weapon system, subsequently 8 pre-production CYRANO I bis radars were added to ensure this evaluation. Then the production was started first with the CYRANO I bis for MIRAGE III C and soon after with the CYRANO II for MIRAGE III E.


Cyrano 1 bis radar for Mirage III C (1958) - Courtesy of THALES

Cyrano Radar 1962.jpg

Cyrano in Mirage IIIC (Aviation Week, July 23 1962)

The main characteristics of the CYRANO I bis, which was produced in 223 units from 1958 onwards, under the direction of 1958, under the direction of A. Perato, are the following:

  • Pressurised front end due to the high voltages (class 10kV) of the transmitter).
  • Circuits cooled by water/glycol circulation (later FHS).
  • Monopulse antenna of 36 cm diameter, orientable in the field with formation of channels by guides on the mobile part and the channel formation by guides on the mobile part and 3 rotating joints on the guide.
  • 300 kW peak transmitter (4 J 50 magnetron) in "X" band (λ = 3cm).
  • Receiver with a noise factor of 9 dB, with mixers and preamplifiers on the moving part and power supply by mobile "flexible" strand.
  • Processing package including: 3-channel receiver, distance telemetry, deviation meters and servomechanisms.
  • distance measurement and site-bearing servomechanisms, the navigation order calculator before and after firing, the missile firing range computer.
  • The whole system is based on subminiature tubes (6111, 6112...) implanted on 30 "bands" of three types (9, 7, or 5 tubes).

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The technological evolutions of the CYRANO II, which was produced in 635 copies from 1964, are mainly due to the choice of a "Cassegrain" antenna which ensures a better performance.

However, it was the MIRAGE III E version that was a remarkable achievement for its time.

It allowed the following air-ground functions to be carried out:
  • Ground mapping: a ground map is presented on the indicator in PPI mode (bearing-distance). The ground map is refined by using monopulse deviation measurements. The pilot has control over the antenna scan and can illuminate particular areas.
  • Iso-altitude cutting or "contour mapping": only echoes located above a horizontal guard plane are presented. The pilot can thus bypass the obstacles appearing on the screen.
  • Blind breakthrough: the function is identical to the previous one, but the guard plane is no longer horizontal but parallel to the aircraft speed vector.
  • Anti-collision: identical function, but the last third of the guard plane is curved upwards to ensure safety.
  • Air-to-ground telemetry for AS30 missile firing: the antenna is then fixed in the aircraft axis

Described as Cyrano IV, this picture from Wikimedia seems to me to be Cyrano II.


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With the development of the MIRAGE F1, it was the turn of the CYRANO III prototypes, then the CYRANO IV series radars produced from 1972. Still based on a magnetron emitter, their development was based on several factors:

New “inverted Cassegrain” antenna with very high mobility, with a carried diameter at 57 centimeters to improve the range of the radar.

Transistorisation of reception and processing circuits, with “bundle” assemblies to reduce the volume occupied by these circuits.

Modular design of transmission reception units, set up for the version modernized CYRANO IV M, and which served as a standard for further developments.


Mirage F1 Radar Cyrano IV (1972) - Courtesy of THALES

850 CYRANO IV and CYRANO IV M were in turn produced both for France and for export, which had been the engine of their development.

Cyrano 500 (a low PRF pulse doppler radar roughly equivalent to AWG-10) was renamed RDM (See here)

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Excerpt from Cyrano IV Manual



The airborne fire control radar CYRANO IV is an integral part of the navigation and weapon system (NWS) fitted on high performance single seater interceptor fighters MIRAGE F1.

This radar was essentially designed to afford the following to the carrier aircraft :
  • - interception of enemy aircraft at all altitudes by means of guns and missiles,
  • - Air-to-Ground intervention (tactical support) by visualization of the land forward of the aircraft.
  • - gun emergency firing (range finder).
The interconnections between the radar CYRANO IV and the other NWS elements are illustrated by figure 1-1. The radar and NWS elements which are directly connected are indicated by a letter :

A - Weapon selector
BA - Radar display unit CRT unit
CA - Nose cone
D - Gyro unit
EA - Radar filter
F - Data link receiver
GA - Antenna program accessory unit No 1.
HA - Antenna program accessory unit No 2.
i - Gunsight
KA - Radar display unit circuits unit
LA - Radar display unit control box
MA - Radar stick
O - Autopilot
P - MATRA harmonization unit
R - Air data unit
T - Incidence indicator
ZA - Accelerometer

Several controls are used to start and operate the radar; the data are grouped on the CRT unit, BA, the gunsight I, and the navigation indicator.

The main radar controls are located on the following elements :
  • the radar stick MA (fig. 2-7) located on the LH console of the cockpit,
  • the CRT unit BA. (fig. 2-5) located at the right of the instruments panel,
  • the control box LA. (fig.2-6) located on the RH console of the cockpit,
  • the weapon selector LA located on the RH console of the cockpit and which also comprises the radar starting control,
  • the GUN EMERGENCY control located on the throttle handle.
The radar receives :
  • from the aircraft mains system, the AC and DC voltages necessary to its operation,
  • from an engine pressure pick-off, P0, compressed air for the nose pressurization,
  • from a heat exchanger, a cooled fluid for the nose cone cooling,
  • from the air data unit, the speed, altitude and pressure data,
  • from the gyro unit, the roll and pitch data,
  • from the indicator, the sine i and cosine i data,
  • from the data link, the azimuth and the distance of the enemy.
The weapon selector imposes the suitable operating mode for the mission to the radar.

Cyrano IV Block Diagram.JPG


This type of mission allows interception of enemy aircraft detected by the ground installations. The figure 1-2 illustrates the radar operation diagram for this type of mission ; there are ten distinct sections :
  • the power supplies,
  • the antenna,
  • the UHF circuits,
  • the modulator transmitter,
  • the receiver,
  • the tracking error ranging,
  • the servo-mechanisms,
  • the interception computer,
  • the firing zone computer,
  • the display unit.
The interception mission can be divided in four phases :
  • the "search" phase during which the target position Is conveyed to the pilot through radio, or to the radar by data linking, and which leads to the target detection.
  • the "lock-on" or acquisition phase which consists in selecting the target in distance and direction, and in slaving the radar to track the target.
  • the "automatic tracking" phase which, taking info account the armament characteristics, the aircraft possibilities and the target flight characteristics, brings the aircraft in an ideal firing position where the target destruction probabilities are maximum.
  • the evolution phase after firing which allows the aircraft to break-off safety.
The overall operation is as follows :
  • the power supplies receive the 27 V DC and the 200 V - 400 Hz three-phase voltages from the aircraft mains. They supply the radar with a DC and AC voltages necessary to the operation.
  • the modulator transmitter, controlled by a synchronization circuit coming from the ranging system, supplies UHF pulses to the antenna through the UHF circuits which comprises, in particular, a roll rotating Joint and a dupiexer,
  • the antenna is controlled by the servo-mechanisms which are themselves controlled by the radar stick.
  • at reception, the energy reflected by the target is collected by the antenna, then is sent through the dupiexer to mixers which, by means of the local oscillator, perform a frequency shift.
  • the "IF" intermediate frequency wave is amplified and then detected by the receiver which supplies video frequency signals directed to fhe tracking error ranging circuits.
  • after processing in these circuits, a video frequency signal is sent to the display unit.
2.1 - Search phase.

During the search phase, all the signals received by the antenna appear on the display unit. According to the accuracy of the data conveyed by the ground installation, the pilot selects an appropriate antenna scan by means of the radar stick :
  • 60° scan,
  • 30° scan,
  • elliptic scan.
  1. 60° scan.
    When the data is not very accurate, the zone scanned by the radar should be large, in this scanning mode, the radio-electrical antenna beam scans a 120° sector in elevation, centered on the aircraft centerline at an elevation angle displayed by means of the radar stick. The radar display unit informs the pilot about the received signals (direction and range), and a strobe, controlled in range and direction by the radar stick, and shown on the radar display unit. Indicates the direction and range where lock-on is possible.
  2. 30° scan.
    In this scanning mode, the zone scanned by the radar is smaller than the preceding one and the data conveyed by the ground installation should be more accurate. The antenna radio-electrical beam scans a 60° sector in elevation, centered on a direction defined in elevation, bearing and range by the radar stick (direction and range correspond to the data conveyed by the ground Installation).
  3. Elliptic scan.
    This scanning mode Is used when the target position is known accurately. This position is conveyed to the pilot by radio, or directly to the radar, by the data link receiver. The antenna radio-electrical beam performs an elliptic scan of 14° in bearing and 4° in elevation, around this direction.
Cyrano IV Operation in AA mode.jpg

A control, located on the radar display unit CRT unit enables matching the radar operation with the density of the ground echoes received by the antenna ; High Altitude, Short Pulse, Medium Altitude, Low Altitude. The High Altitude operation mode will be used when there is no ground echoes, or that the latter are not disturbing. It authorizes the three search procedures mentioned hereabove and enables, in the best conditions, locking-on the radar onto a target located at 35 NM. When the ground echoes prevent the target identification, the short pulse operation permits to attenuate their importance, but limits the radar range.

If the target identification is impossible in short pulse, the medium altitude operation will be used. The radar range Is then widely limited and, in addition, the search mode in elliptic scan, with or without data link is prohibited.

When the aircraft flight altitude is lower than 6.000 metres, the low altitude operation puts into a service a coherent automatic moving target intensifying device enabling the Interception of a moving target flying at low altitude.

2.2 - Lock-on phase.

When the target echo is spotted, the pilot brings the RH edge of the strobe in coincidence with the echo, by means of the radar stick, which sets the mean direction in the target direction and the ranging at the target distance.
During the lock-on authorization, the scanning stops and the antenna radio-electrical beam is placed in the mean direction, therefore in the target direction.

The tracking error ranging is servo-controlled to track the target echo in range, and delivers target aim-off data with respect to the antenna beam axis. These data control the servo-mechanisms and the antenna beam remains permanently aimed in target direction. The radar Is therefore slaved to the target.

2.3 - Automatic tracking phase.

Now the aircraft should be piloted so as to bring it closer to the target and to place it in an ideal firing position; this is the function of the interception and firing zone computers.

The servo-mechanisms deliver direction and shift speed of the antenna beam, therefore of the targe These data and those delivered by the ranging function (range,radial velocity) are processed, taking info account the selected weapons, by the Interception computer which delivers piloting orders R and T, represented by the gunsight. These piloting orders, carried out by the pilot, make the aircraft describe an approach path, placing It in the ideal firing conditions.

In a parallel manner, the firing zone computer, taking into account the flight characteristics of the aircraft and target, and the possibilities of the selected missile, computes at any instant, the path that should be followed by the missile, and determines the firing limits (minimum, optimum, maximum distances, firing angle ...). These limits, compared with the fighter posi-tion with respect to the target, lead to the missile firing, either automatically or upon an order given to the pilot by the gunsight.

2.4 - Manoeuver phase after firing.

To be self-guided onto the target, some missiles require the electromagnetic radiation of the radar reflected by the target. The interception computer determines the path that should be followed by the aircraft in order that the target be permanently illuminated. In the same time, the firing zone computer determines the missile-target collision instant, instant when the air-craft should mandatorily break-off so as to avoid being hit by the target or missile splinters in a path given by the interception computer and represented by the gunsight under form of orders.


This operation mode permits the rapid lock-on of the radar onto a target located before the air-craft at a distance lower than 6 NM, for the gun firing, it is obtained by depressing the gun emergency control button located on the throttle handle. This operation mode has priority upon the interception mission during the search phase and upon the air-to-ground intervention mission.
The operation diagram of the radar in this operation mode is shown on figure 1-3 ; the same parts as In interception mission can be seen, but the radar stick is not used.

The gun emergency control firing mission is divided into three phases :
  • the search phase during which the radar automatically searches a target in a 6 NM zone before the aircraft ;
  • the lock-on phase during which the radar automatically !ocks-on the first encountered target ;
  • the automatic tracking phase which brings the aircraft at a distance from the target where the guns can be used.
The operation is the following :

During transmission, the operation is identical with that of the Interception mission.

3.1 - Search phase.

As soon as the gun emergency control firing mission Is selected on the gas throttle, the antenna performs a 4° diameter circular scanning around the aircraft centerline. The echoes received by the antenna and located at a distance lower than 6 NM appear on the radar display unit. In the same time, the ranging performs a range scan from 0 to 6 NM.

3.2 - Lock-on phase.

As soon as ranging encounters an echo, the radar locks-on onto it in range and direction. The antenna scan stops and the antenna is controlled by the tracking error ranging signals ; the antenna beam remains permanently aimed In the target direction.

3.3 - Automatic tracking phase.

The target direction, speed and distance delivered by the servomechanisms and the tracking error ranging are fed to the interception computer which delivers piloting orders AR and AT, represented by the gunsight and enabling to place the aircraft in the ideal gun firing conditions.
The firing zone computer is not used except when the weapon selector is on position MATRA MAGIC 550 : in this case, the computer determines the firing limits of this missile and conveys them to the pilot through the gunsight.

Cyrano IV Operation in Gun Emergency mode.jpg


in this mission, the display unit displays the radar map of the ground flown over forward of the aircraft. The operation diagram of the radar is shown on figure 1-4 ; the same parts as in inter-ception mission can be observed, except the interception and firing zone computers which are not used.

The operation in transmission configuration is identical with that of the interception function. During reception, the gain can be adjusted by means of the radar stick. The video signals obtained on the receiver output are processed by the ranging circuits, then represented by the display unit in PPI off-centered scanning. Four range representation scales, selected on the radar stick are at the pilot's disposal : 7 NM, 15 NM, 35 NM and 60 NM.

The antenna is scan controlled by the servomechanisms. The mean position in bearing is null and the antenna radio-electrical beam scans a 120° or 60° sector in bearing, centered on the aircraft centerline. The elevation is computed in function of the aircraft flight altitude and can be modified by means of the radar stick to illuminate at best the flown over ground zone and obtain an accurate representation on the radar display unit.

Cyrano IV Operation in AS Mode.jpg
Nice posts!

As an aside, how are you translating? Google Translate or Deepl?
Been looking for a pic of the Cyrano in the III-C for a long time. I never knew its official 'name' was Cyrano I bis.
I seem to remember teaching that it emitted 200KW pulse power, rather than 300KW, but that was many decades ago, so perhaps I forget.
Thank you. Reminds one of good times.
I'm curious to know if Soviet radars of the same period could surpass French products?
Interesting question. I'd say France was slightly ahead, but the Cyrano IV MTI lookdown modes never worked, unlike Sapfir-23 whose lookdown modes eventually became useful.

French radars were more all-round capable with mapping and air-to-ground functions and from 1987 you'd probably pick RDI over N019 I think.
Interesting question. I'd say France was slightly ahead, but the Cyrano IV MTI lookdown modes never worked, unlike Sapfir-23 whose lookdown modes eventually became useful.

French radars were more all-round capable with mapping and air-to-ground functions and from 1987 you'd probably pick RDI over N019 I think.
Thanks for the answer, I'd also like to know which model of the Cyrano IV has reliable lookdown capability?
RDM (Cyrano 500) had workable lookdown..

Cyrano IVM, I've not heard of anyone who found the MTI lookdown mode useful.

Compared to the first period (see chapter 4), the threat had changed. With the adoption of fighter-bombers, the fighter's superiority in maneuver over the bomber disappeared, and with it the "ease" of kinematic interception in the rear sector. The interceptor was therefore required to be able to fire in all sectors, and if possible with a difference in altitude; in addition, the target's maneuvering capabilities were no longer as weak. In 1957, the STAé/ES consulted the two missile manufacturers on the future air-to-air missile intended to arm the Mirage III; two program sheets, published on December 19, 1957 by the EMAA, coexisted: AA 25 remote guidance and AA 26 autoguidance.

North 5104 (AA 25)

Given its experience, Nord-Aviation chose the AA 25 file and submitted the Nord 5104 project at the beginning of 1958. Its development began in September 1958.

The difference with the Nord 5103 was in the automatic remote control, whose fire control of the aircraft was to ensure the development of the guidance order. This fire control was to include an on-board radar with two reception chains, an additional system for the missile support and an associated computer. The main difficulties in developing the system were carried over to the fire control, which was difficult to achieve, at the end of the 1950s, with the level of technical knowledge (the level of ground echoes detected by the airborne radar was poorly known) and with the available technology.

The choice of the missile for the Mirage III was made in October 1959 and it fell on the competing program, AA 26 (the reasons for this choice were mentioned above). This marked the end of the Nord 5104 and the use of remote control for air-to-air.

R 530 (AA 26) – Matra

Matra decided to respond to the AA 26 sheet with the R 530 project, submitted in April 1958. We have seen that Matra had chosen the path of self-guidance and that in 1957, it completed the development of the R 511, self-guided in pursuit.

The R 530 took into account information gathered during missions in the United States in 1958; it was the complete project of a self-guided missile following the proportional navigation law. It included two versions, electromagnetic (EM) and infrared (IR), differing only in the homing device. This project involved several technical and technological challenges.

As with the Nord 5104, development of the R 530 began in September 1958 and its choice for the armament of the Mirage III, in October 1959, launched it definitively.

During these three years, from 1958 to 1960, with the support of the STAé, Matra and its cooperators, EMD, SAT and TRT, succeeded in bringing the R 530 up to the level of the American industry and even innovating by winning the following technical and technological challenges:

- have a thorough knowledge of the proportional navigation self-guidance law, to optimize guidance; this was a successful study by Matra;

- to produce an electromagnetic homing device with a stabilized aerial; we indicated in chapter 8 that the EMD company had started the study at the beginning of 1959 (in competition with CFTH) and that at the beginning of 1960, it presented a prototype comprising a gyroscopic head and transistorized electronics. Then, in one year, both the production by EMD of AD prototypes capable of equipping a missile, from the point of view of environmental resistance, the flight tests of the homing device with the Cyrano scout radar and the first successful firing of the R 530 EM self-guided missile were carried out;

- to produce an infrared homing device with a gyroscopic head; we have indicated (chapter 8) that the SAT had developed, during these three years, on the one hand the infrared components valid in band 2 (irdome, detector and cooler), and on the other hand the homing device. The first shot took place in September 1961 with an impact on the target;

- to produce an electromagnetic proximity rocket in X-band, with flat directional antennas and without untimely triggering; we indicated (chapter 8) that TRT had presented such a project. The prototypes were produced and successfully tested in two years. The only defect of this rocket was the maintenance of the subminiature tube technology.

The missile's characteristics and performance are as follows:

- mass of 196 kg;

- 263 mm diameter; classic, cruciform configuration;

- solid propellant (plastolite) booster with two thrust levels;

- pitch and yaw control with gyrometer stabilization; roll control, to limit rotation speed; electric servomotors;

- proximity and impact fuse; 30 kg fragmentation charge;

- two interchangeable homing devices (AD): semi-active electromagnetic with pulses and scanning and infrared in band 2 (“all sectors”); gyroscopic heads with a range of ± 45° and pre-positioned, at the start, on the target by information from the on-board radar; hemispherical radome;

- performance: maximum firing distance, in frontal attack, limited by the range of the AD (10 km); maximum height difference of 3,000 m; range of use at altitude: from 3,000 m (ground echoes) to 18,000 m; reduced passing distances (4 m on average);

- more reliable and more precise IR version, with many impacts; but it was little used by French operational personnel, given the hassle of filling the AD's liquid nitrogen tank.

The development was carried out quickly:

- in-flight development (50 shots of the EM version and 25 shots of the IR version) in two years: 1961 and 1962;

- assessment in 1963;

- first series delivery in April 1964, in accordance with the schedule established in 1959.

Between 1964 and 1980, 2,300 missiles were produced, including 1,200 for export linked to the Mirage III, to Israel, Australia, Libya, Pakistan, etc. The missile equipped the Mirage III, the Crusader for the Navy (adaptation to the radar and the aircraft was carried out without any difficulty, with flight tests in the United States and France) and the Mirage F1, while waiting for the Super 530, put into service in 1979.

It underwent a redesign phase at the end of the 1970s, with the replacement of obsolete components: propellant (isolite instead of plastolite), homing devices, transistorization of the retarder.

The competitive situation until the end of the 1970s

In the West, there were only two design countries, the United States and France, and two exportable all-weather interceptor weapon systems: the Mirage III-R 530 and the Phantom-Sparrow III. We will only compare the performance of the missiles. The aircraft had differences: the Phantom was heavier, more expensive, and carried four Sparrows instead of one for the Mirage III; the larger size of the Phantom's radar antenna resulted in a greater range for the Sparrow's AD EM.

The first version, 7 C, of the Sparrow III, briefly described in Chapter 4, was put into service in 1960; it was quickly replaced, in 1963, by an improved version, 7 E. The characteristics and performances of these first versions of the Sparrow are close to those of the R 530, except on the following major points:

- to the Sparrow's credit: a semi-active Doppler homing system (requires an on-board radar with a continuous illuminator), which allowed it to fire on low-altitude targets, and a movable wing configuration, which allowed it to have a streamlined radome 5 .

- to the R 530's advantage: an interchangeable infrared version, which was a fundamental advantage from the point of view of combating jamming; transistorized ADs, whereas the Sparrow's technology was that of 1956 (tubes), hence a difference in reliability; and electric rather than hydraulic servomotors (for controlling the wings), technologically simplifying the missile.

Production of these versions, until 1980, was 35,000 copies. The Phantom-Sparrow system (the missile is linked to the on-board radar) was little exported, except to Great Britain. Countries like Germany, not having such a weapon system, could only rely on their ground-to-air batteries or on the American NATO Air Forces.

5 A difficulty of the missiles of the time was the possibility of destabilization of the missile at altitude due to aberrations of the radome. The solution, for the R 530, was the choice of a hemispherical radome (hence a very reduced aberration), and for the Sparrow the choice of the mobile wing (hence a greater tolerance of aberrations), hence the choice of a profiled radome. The drag of the R 530 was higher, while the Sparrow had more complex piloting equipment.

The 9B version of the infrared Sidewinder, described in Chapter 4, was a first-generation missile, put into service in 1956 and used from 1958. Not being equipped with an all-weather interception system, most Western countries armed their combat aircraft with this missile; adaptation was facilitated by the absence of a connection with the fire control system and the possible mounting at the end of the wing (70 kg). But its interception capabilities were very limited, because it had to be fired in rear attack and without pre-positioning by the radar and it was equipped with an AD in band 1 (hence many parasitic echoes).

80,000 copies of this 9 B version were manufactured, including for export, from 1956 to the end of the 1960s. Within the framework of NATO and an American license, European production (Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Norway) was undertaken under the supervision of the German company BGT; 15,000 Sidewinders of a 9 B version improved by BGT (reliability and attachment to parasitic targets) were produced from 1967. France, which had received free Sidewinders in 1960 to arm its F 86 and F 100 aircraft, bought missiles while waiting for the Magic to enter service; the latter armed its aircraft, without on-board radar, these missiles being arranged at the end of the wing. The Soviets copied the Sidewinder 9 B by producing the Atoll, and the Chinese copied the Atoll. Ultimately, almost every country used this type of missile.

From 1965, the Americans began to study the second generation of the Sidewinder, improving the 9 B version; the 9 E and 9 J versions, for the Air Force, and 9 D/9 G/9 H, for the Navy, were studied and some were produced. They offered a pre-positioning possibility and an improvement of the homing system, as well as an increase in the mass of the charge and the missile (10.4 kg and 86 kg) and an increased range. The most modern version, 9 H, was put into service in 1973: it was the first transistorized version (which was true since 1964 for the R 530), but the AD was still in band 1. 11,000 examples of these versions, mostly the 9 H, were produced.

As for the British, they produced the second generation infrared missile Red Top, in band 2, very close to the R 530 IR, but without an EM version (hence the purchase of the Sparrow); its success was reduced.

Ultimately, the Mirage III armed with the R 530 allowed France to be the only Western country to compete with the Americans in all-weather air-to-air interception capabilities. The R 530 was innovative, compared to the Americans, by having an interchangeable infrared version; in addition, this version, being in band 2, allowed "all-sector" attack and was not sensitive to infrared parasitic echoes from the ground.


In the late 1960s, a change in missions emerged that required a change in missiles, called "third generation missiles"; there were two reasons for this.

On the one hand, both air systems had been used in combat on "exotic" terrain: the R 530 by the Israelis, from 1965 to 1967, and the Sparrow and the Sidewinder in Vietnam, from 1964 to 1973. These were not interception missions over friendly territory, equipped with a coordinated air defense system (like STRIDA in France) that guided the planes to the area where they would be able to detect the targets and then assigned each plane its targets: these were "local" conflicts, for which the missiles had not been designed. They had shown their inability to fight close combat (minimum firing distance of the order of 1,000 m).

On the other hand, the performance of the threats had evolved: high altitude (above 20,000 m) and high speed (Mach 2.5) with the Mig 25; low altitude with terrain following.

The need for two categories of air-to-air missiles arose:

- the close combat and self-protection missile: it must be capable of autonomously acquiring the target in a wide search field and of being fired without any limitation of incidence or of the load factor of the firing aircraft and at short distance (300 m); its load factor capacities must be very high, to counter the maneuvers of targets that can reach 9 g (dogfight ) ; for acquisition, the missile can be assisted by an optronic device having the adequate performances and equipping the aircraft;

- the medium-range or interception missile: compared to second-generation missiles, it must have much greater elevation (upwards and downwards) capabilities, hence an increase in motorization and firing ranges; this missile must be capable of attacking targets at low altitude, hence a Doppler-selective homing system, and of combating target jamming, which is becoming more sophisticated.

Close combat and self-protection missiles

The French family, Magic, was developed by Matra (see figures 40, 42 and 43).

Magic 1 is the world's first missile designed for close combat. We have already indicated, in Chapter 8, that its definition resulted from the needs of the Air Force, highlighted during the air operations conducted by the Israelis with the Mirage III J equipped with the R 530. This missile includes two main innovations.

On the one hand, the autonomous acquisition of the target in a large field, of the order of ± 40° (absence of on-board radar or unattached radar). It is ensured by the autodirector, in a clever way: unlike the gyroscopic head, there is separation between the antenna stabilization gyroscope (proportional navigation) and the optical infrared detection system, mounted on gimbals. For the search, the detector is decoupled from the gyroscope 6 and the scanning speed can reach 300°/s; during the shot, the axis of the detector is slaved to the direction of the axis of the gyroscope top, itself being slaved to the direction of the target.

On the other hand, firing is possible without limitation of the aircraft load factor, at a minimum firing distance of 300 m and on moving targets: we have a very manoeuvrable missile (35 g per plane) with a very reduced guidance time constant.

Its main features are:

- infrared autoguiding in band 2; but, with a single-cell detector (1970 technology), the reduced range of the AD led to the limitation of the shot to the rear domain;

- interchangeability at the level of attachment to the aircraft with the Sidewinder: vehicle of similar mass (89 kg); specific missile launcher of the Magic, including the search control electronics and the dry nitrogen bottle for cooling the cell (see chapter 8, SAT);

- canard configuration, with two original features: "double canard" comprising a fixed tail followed by a mobile control surface (high maneuverability); and only the fuselage of the missile is roll-stabilized (auto-rotating wing, as for the Matra R 422), to counter the difficulty of roll stabilization of the canard;

- Matra infrared proximity rocket; 12 kg fragmentation charge;

- performance in the firing range in the rear zone of the target: range from 300 m to 4,000 m and altitude from 50 m to 12,000 m; strong acceleration at the start: speed increase of approximately Mach 1.5.

The Magic 2 is the improved version, following technological advances; the changes were as follows:

- increased sensitivity of the infrared AD, by adopting a multi-element detector, which allowed detection of targets in frontal attack with a range such (at least 4.5 km) that the Magic 2 is "all sectors";

- improved AD for resistance to infrared decoys used after 1980;

- adoption of an “all sectors” proximity fuse (electromagnetic TRT fuse);

- partially digitized electronics;

- increased thruster impulse thanks to the adoption of cast-bonded butalane propellant;

- increased altitude range, thanks to the adoption of pitch and yaw stabilization gyrometers.

The Magic 1 was developed from 1969 and put into service in 1975, while the Magic 2, developed from 1978, was put into service in 1986. 11,000 missiles were produced, including 7,000 Magic 1s. The French order was for 3,700, with roughly the same quantity for the 1 and 2. The missile was exported to 18 countries – Greece, the Middle East (Libya, Iraq, Egypt, Kuwait, etc.), South America and Asia (Taiwan, etc.) – and it was copied in China and South Africa.

6 The gyroscopic head, having a limited precession speed, cannot perform a search; a fast search requires a large bandwidth for the detector, hence a significant reduction in its range.

It was used in several conflicts, including the Iraq-Iran War and the Gulf War. It equipped (or equipped, in 1995) many aircraft, particularly at the wingtip: Mirage III, Mirage 50, Mirage F1, Jaguar (above the wing for the British version), Crusader, Étendard and Super Étendard, Mirage 2000, Rafale, Sea Harrier, Hawk, F 16, Mig 21 and 23 (in Iraq). The Mirage 2000-Magic 2 pair was considered, in combat, to be the best in the world.

The Americans, at the same time, improved the Sidewinder and developed the 9 L version from 1971, which entered service in 1978, and then the 9 M version, which entered service in 1983, while denying the need for close combat missiles.

The Sidewinder 9 L differs mainly from the last version of the second generation, the 9 H, by the adoption of band 2 for the AD, hence a possibility of firing "all sectors" (remember that it was in 1964 that the R 530 equipped with an AD in band 2 was put into service), by an improvement in aerodynamics (shape and surface of the control surface), to increase maneuverability, and by an active laser fuze.

But this missile was inferior in maneuverability to the Magic and it required target acquisition by a means external to the missile (important difference with the Magic); it was necessary to wait for the development of the helmet sight to use the 9 L in close combat. The AD also had a resistance to decoys inferior to that of the Magic 2.

The Sidewinder 9 M, for its part, is distinguished by the adoption of a closed-cycle cooler and a low-smoke propellant (ahead of French technology on both points).

In the United States, for these 9 L and 9 M versions, 35,000 units were manufactured, production being stopped in 1991. For all versions of the Sidewinder, 126,000 units were produced, including 53,000 for export, excluding production under license. A production in Europe of the 9 L version (Germany, Great Britain, Norway, Italy, etc.), under license, of 15,000 units was carried out under the supervision of BGT, in the 1980s, which represents the equivalent of the production of the 9 B indicated above. Japan also acquired the license for the 9 L.

Medium-range or interceptor missiles

The French Super 530 family was developed by Matra (see Figures 40 and 41). The R 530 missile required a complete overhaul to adapt it to the changing threats described above.

The Super 530 F is a new missile. It has kept, from the R 530, only the diameter (263 mm) and the interchangeability with the missile launcher. This diameter was adapted to the technology of the R 530 (dating from 1958). A diameter of 220 mm would have been more rational for the Super 530, but the EMAA judged that a derivative retaining the diameter reduced the cost of development.

The Super 530 F was developed from 1969 to be adapted to the Mirage F1 7. Its main characteristics and performances are as follows:

- EM semi-active pulsed homing system: we have indicated above (chapter 8, EMD) the reasons which led to the choice, for the F1, of an on-board radar without continuous illuminator; the attack of low-altitude targets was not possible. On the other hand, the AD was modern (monopulse antenna, profiled radome and electronic technology of 1970) and its range was double that of the R 530 (gains of the radar and AD antennas significantly increased);

- classic configuration, but with reduced wing span (0.64 m, instead of 1.1 m for the R 530) to facilitate mounting under the aircraft;

- mass of 245 kg;

- more efficient propellant than the R 530: mass of 115 kg (+ 49 kg) and use of butalane as propellant;

- Thomson proximity fuze, electromagnetic correlation (see chapter 8, CFTH), and 32 kg Brandt fragmentation charge;

- performance: firing in the F1 range with maximum Mach of 4.5 for the missile; possible elevation of 9,000 m, allowing the attack of targets at 21,000 m; minimum altitude limited by the AD, varying from 1,000 m in rear attack to 3,000 m in frontal attack; maximum firing distance of 25 km; minimum firing distance of 1,000 m.

This missile was put into service in 1979; its development had been staggered for budgetary reasons. It should be noted that a few test interceptions took place at the CEL in 1975, with a height difference of 8,000 m on an American supersonic target AQM 37 A flying at a Mach 0.9 higher than the service aircraft firing it (Vautour).

In addition to the F1, the Super 530 F was adapted to the first Mirage 2000 equipped with an RDM pulse radar. 1,200 missiles were produced until 1988: 650 for France and 550 for export with the F1, to Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan and Qatar. The Super 530 F was used in the Iraq-Iran conflict.

The Super 530 D is the version adapted to the Mirage 2000 equipped with an on-board pulse doppler radar (named RDI, pulse doppler radar). The main differences in characteristics compared to the F are as follows:

- EMD semi-active Doppler homing system (see chapter 8, EMD), with 1980 digital technology (microprocessor for management); AD range significantly increased: 50 km; very high resistance to modern countermeasures;

- partially digitized calculator driver;

- more efficient vehicle: increased mass and length (+ 30 kg and + 265 mm), 16% higher total impulse thruster, with a SEP composite envelope;

- performance: maximum speed of Mach 5; increased possible altitude difference, allowing the attack of targets at 24,000 m; minimum target altitude of 60 m; maximum firing distance of 50 km, with an interception distance of 35 km.

The “F” in Super 530 stands for the F1 aircraft.

For its time, this missile was "the must " in terms of performance. Launched in development in 1977, it was put into service in 1987. 1,000 missiles were produced, including 620 (including 30 training) for France. It was exported with the Mirage 2000 to Egypt, India, Abu Dhabi, Greece.

It was widely used by the French Air Force on patrol with AD operation, without firing, during the Gulf War and the conflict in ex-Yugoslavia. This use had not been planned and the AD operating potential (mechanics) was limited to 25 hours; but it was able to be increased to 200 hours after testing.

The third American generation, on the other hand, consisted of the 7 F and 7 M versions of the Sparrow. The vehicle was improved; but it was mainly the AD that needed modernization. The reliability of the Sparrow 7 E version used during the Vietnam conflict was considered unacceptable by reports to the American Senate; the AD had remained with "tube" technology.

The 7 F version, featuring solid-state technology, was not put into service until 1978, due to defects encountered during the evaluation phase; we will see the consequences with the hasty launch of its successor, the AMRAAM ( Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air).

Missile) 8. In addition , the jamming resistance was not satisfactory.

The 7M version was developed with a monopulse seeker and digital technology and put into service in 1983; its performance was close to that of the Super 530D.

Production of these two versions was 26,000 units, including 16,300 for the 7 M; other aircraft than the Phantom were equipped with it: F 14, F 15, F 16 and F 18.

Great Britain (BAe) acquired the license for the Sparrow 7 E version of the vehicle in the early 1970s; it produced a third-generation missile, the Sky Flash, in 1978, equipping it with a Marconi semi-active Doppler AD in solid-state technology; it equipped the Phantom, the Tornado and the Swedish Gripen. Italy also acquired the license and produced, domestically, the Aspide air-to-air and ground-to-air derivatives.

Conclusions on third-generation missiles

In close combat, the Magic was competitive and even ahead of American missiles; in trials between allies, it proved superior.

For the interceptor missile, the Sparrow was superior, until 1987, to the Super 530 F for attacking low-altitude targets; but it was less reliable. After 1987, both the Super 530 D and Sparrow 9 M missiles had equivalent performance.

But the difference in the quantity produced is very large: 11,000 Magic 1 and 2, against 35,000 Sidewinder 9 L and 9 M, plus 15,000 9L manufactured in Europe; 2,200 Super 530, against 26,000 Sparrow 7 F and 7 M.
Yup, my mistake. Since then I've found that we have a bespoke Matra 530 thread.

I'd suggest
1-to move my two posts above, there
2-then turn the "-530 question" into a full blown Matra R530 / Super 530F / Super 530D thread.
3-then move it to this section.
4-so that it is in the same section as the Cyrano thread.

Sorry for the mess to be cleaned up ! I've deleted my post in the other thread, if that helps.
Last edited:
I have a question related to the Cyrano II radars on Israeli Mirage IIICJ. Were they anyhow downgraded versus their French AF version?
Here is the full article of "Évolution des traitementsdes radars aéroportés en France".
It is little bit exspensive.


  • Évolution des traitementsdes radars aéroportés en France.pdf
    10.4 MB · Views: 129

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