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There was no "X-" series as such. There was a model number series, and the X- prefix was sometimes added, sometimes not.

Where did you find the X-110, X-225 and X-400 designations? Here's what I have:

  • 90: submission to the AAFSS requirement
  • X-100 Hummingbird: experimental VTOL using wing-tip tilt-propellers
  • X-200T Tandem: acquired by USAF as the X-19A
  • 200: planned commercial version
  • 201: no data (see below)
  • 203: Light Utility Transport project
  • 205: USAF transport and rescue VTOL, an enlarged Model X-200
  • 207-8: Multi-Mission Support Transport; much enlarged derivative of Model X-200 for Army
  • 260-7: Multi-Mission (RVX) Aircraft Design (also found "M-260 Recovery Vehicle")
  • X-300: Local Service VTOL Transport — a proposed radial lift transport with two push-pull propellers on each side
  • X-325: no data (see below)
  • X-410: huge tilt-rotor VTOL transport with 12,740-15,000 lb. payload, four engines and 23' props
  • X-425 Light Transport (LT-1): light military VTOL Logistic Transport project, basically an enlarged version of the Model 200; 32 passengers, 3600 kg of freight, rear loading ramp; four 2200 to 3000 hp turbines
  • 500: no data (see below)

Mention of Models 201, 325 and 500:

Source: Francis H. Dean, The Curtiss X Planes

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