Curtiss W. Bomber BT-32A

CT for 'heavy cargo' according to Curtiss Aircraft 1907-1947 by Peter M Bowers, Putnam 1979.
Bowers writes about eight BT-32 bombers and three CT-32 transports, all of them built for export. What Bowers writes is contradicted by the drawing's text, though.
An image of a Colombian BT-32 floatplane bomber in his book shows a turretless nose. Will scan later.
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Didn't scan, but found an image of a Colombian BT-32 floatplane somewhere else (flickr):
Plus a partial view of an Argentinian CT-32 showing its cargo door, found here

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Bowers writes the T-32 designations were Curtiss' own. T for transport, 32 for 3,200 lb payload.
- BT-32 bomber transport
- CT-32 cargo transport
- AT-32 (my guess) airliner transport?
Two T-32s were delivered to the US Army, receiving the military designation YC-30.

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