Let's take that further.
With Breguet onboard, France throws its chips in on what is now the Quintet evaluation of Kestrel. Several AdA and AN pilots get to fly a few extra Kestrels funded by France.
Plan A is NMBR.3
Plan B is P1127 Kestrel
Breguet formulate a backup plan should both P1127 and P1154 fail.
Scale up Taon around BS.58 (straight through Pegasus) or BS.100D (direct no vectoring nozzles). HSA are all aboard as this veers closer to P.1152 and P1142 studies. Plan C is Sirocco II?
If Plan A. P1154 goes ahead, SAAB would at least be interested in the BS.100 for System 37, while Swedish government might actually be asking if P1154 meets their needs and license it.
Germany might have to license this after the failure of it's own and German-Americam schemes.
Italy would also license following on from G91.
If Plan B, Kestrel goes ahead (no name change) and USMC probably get their aircraft earlier.....but would it still be McDD?
FAA would benefit if MN demand naval version and a shift to the later Sea Harrier and CVL starts earlier.
If failure, backup Sirocco II, with BS.58 solves MRI Strike, provides FAA and AN with alternative to Crusader or Phantom II and as a byproduct BS start rolling out the first civil high bypass turbofan.....and still looks attractive to power System 37.
Bristol-SNECMA tie up seems a winner.
It's only if Dassault finds a way (Llan D) that Breguet will fail. But as you say, that would be F or G series designs wrapped around Bristol-SNECMA engine.....and maybe scaled up Etendard....
All this being early 60’s, it could tip balance to Civil Lord of the Admiralty's suggestion for a 40,000ton adaptable CV.
MN could be interested.