concept design of luxury private submarine mega-yacht


Research + illustration
Senior Member
31 October 2014
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Inspired and referencing Jules Verne's Nautilus. Some interesting design features, but frivolous use of space in keeping with mega-yacht theme. In my head there'ds a smaller 70 meter version, possibly with gas turbine instead of the diesel generators.


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Looks a lot like the Phoenix 1000 luxury yacht/submarine from a decade ago.

Yeah the Phoenix 1000 was one of the designs I looked at. Would be fantastic if they'd ever found a customer.

Nautilus-2020 is a much more ambitious design though, much more of a proper submarine with long range autonomy.

Italian firm Migaloo are the ones to watch for OOT mega-yacht submarine concepts. See attached.


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I'm not sure a teardrop hull is the best choice for a submarine yacht, With all the outside amenities, the Italian concepts are set up to spend a lot of their time on the surface. From what I have read, a teardrop hull is more prone to rolling when surfaced - bad news for a luxury vehicle.
Having said that: I love Nautilus revisited :)
<edit> It has a pipe organ! Awesome!
What the world needs is a submersible yacht that *looks* like an entirely conventional yacht when surfaced. Just the thing for sailing around Somalia: wait for the pirates to board then *BLOOP* down you go, taking them to Davy Jones Locker.
Arjen, yes that's why I compromised on the wave cutting upper bow. There would be bilge keels to slightly reduce roll on the surface, but it's designed for underwater travel. Especially in heavy seas, just submerge. Possibly it could semi-plane in surface mode, with the bow high and the pumpjets angled to be horizontal.

Orionblamblam, interesting idea. Challenge is that, generally speaking, the better it is above the waves, the worse it is under the waves. Pressure hulls have to be certain shapes, and heavily constructed. So most of superstructure would have to be flooded when submerged. So no state rooms or ballrooms up there.

I was going to go for more of a yacht shape with sadle tanks and larger superstructure but Verne's nautilus was too much of an influence. :)
Added a 70 meter version. Crew accommodation, stores and aller rooms eliminated. Main compromise is that LOX comes inboard to pressure hull and snort mast removed. Ok design but I like the bigger one.


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I kindof feel like it needs a hardened prow for ramming merchant ships... because whoever is going to put a few hundred million into a submersible yacht probably has captain Nemo fantasies. ;)
covert_shores said:
Orionblamblam, interesting idea. Challenge is that, generally speaking, the better it is above the waves, the worse it is under the waves. Pressure hulls have to be certain shapes, and heavily constructed. So most of superstructure would have to be flooded when submerged. So no state rooms or ballrooms up there.

Sure. What I'm suggesting is to take your yacht-sub and build a mock-yacht on top of it. Sail it around places where scumbags go pirating, wait for them to board, and then the rich guy in the sub starts to have fun. The whole point of a yacht is enjoyment; what would be more enjoyable for the sort of person who can afford a yacht-sub (oil sheiks, Russian oligarchs, tech bros, etc.) than the ability to wreak horrible vengeance upon the kind of person that most of the planetary population would have no problem with horrible vengeance being wreaked upon?

Basically what I suggest is a "bait car." But one that not only locks the door, but ducts the exhaust into the cabin, self-drives to the dump and tosses the car thieves onto the pile. Ten million views on YouTube!
Out of curiosity... Do you assume everyone has these fantasies about killing strangers?
Avimimus said:
Out of curiosity... Do you assume everyone has these fantasies about killing strangers?

Do you assume nobody does? I can tell you, when I saw Robocop in the theater back in the day, when the would-be auto thief got 60,000 volts applied the audience wasn't horrified, they laughed.
I'm suddenly remembering a line from a Fawlty Towers episode - "Enough material here for a [psychiatrists'] convention"
Arjen said:
I'm suddenly remembering a line from a Fawlty Towers episode - "Enough material here for a [psychiatrists'] convention"

There is now.
Avimimus said:
Out of curiosity... Do you assume everyone has these fantasies about killing strangers?
Pirate hunting has a long history going back hundreds of years. Scum of the earth does not go away on it's own and must scrubbed with great force and determination.
Avimimus said:
Out of curiosity... Do you assume everyone has these fantasies about killing strangers?

Your average schmoe is not going to have the funds to buy a ginormous submarine. What kind of person would? There would be those who inherit wealth, of course... but there would also be those who make their own billions. And the kind of person who becomes a billionaire by their own effort are almost universally *not* truly pacifistic. One way or another they tend to have a "killer instinct." So it's best to have good outlets for that instinct for these people. And a "bait yacht" seems like a good, productive, socially acceptable - nay, praiseworthy - outlet.

And one cannot discuss the tpic of "fantasies about killing strangers" without pointing out that in the current political climate there are a *large* number of people who think it praiseworthy to physically assault other people merely for their political views. T
Orionblamblam said:
Avimimus said:
Out of curiosity... Do you assume everyone has these fantasies about killing strangers?

Your average schmoe is not going to have the funds to buy a ginormous submarine. What kind of person would? There would be those who inherit wealth, of course... but there would also be those who make their own billions. And the kind of person who becomes a billionaire by their own effort are almost universally *not* truly pacifistic. One way or another they tend to have a "killer instinct." So it's best to have good outlets for that instinct for these people. And a "bait yacht" seems like a good, productive, socially acceptable - nay, praiseworthy - outlet.

And one cannot discuss the tpic of "fantasies about killing strangers" without pointing out that in the current political climate there are a *large* number of people who think it praiseworthy to physically assault other people merely for their political views. T

"Answer microaggression with macro-aggression."
Anyway, to try to approach back-on-topic: a yacht, from small to large, is obvious to one and all that it is a yacht, and is easily trackable. A submersible yacht, on the other hand, is necessarily a stealthy vehicle. One with long range would be of interest to military and police forces: perhaps not for them to own and operate themselves but they would probably want to watch these things very closely. If you're tootling about the Caribbean taking in the sights, don't be too surprised if every time you surface there's a Coast Guard cutter nonchalantly sitting off your port bow.

That said, I wouldn't be too surprised if one or more of the owners of such a yacht turns out to have a co-owner who works for a three-letter agency.
There's a reason this has 205k likes in less than 24 hrs:
Pipe organs in submarine yachts, yay or nay? Essential accessories for the discerning billionaire.
Arjen, yes absolutely. If you are a m/billionaire with a submarine called nautilus then the pipe organ is required.

Rest, yes this is the ideal mega-toy for billionaires who may or may not use it for world domination. The vertical ocean interface is basically a missile silo ;) and the forward ocean interface is big enough for recovering lost nuclear bombs
covert_shores said:
Rest, yes this is the ideal mega-toy for billionaires who may or may not use it for world domination. The vertical ocean interface is basically a missile silo ;) and the forward ocean interface is big enough for recovering lost nuclear bombs

In 1960-70s it has bee a great plot for the next "007" movie.
Sort of "Gold Nemo" ;)

Thank you for sharing this very entertaining and neat-designed project!
Please complete your drawings before posting them on this forum.

Where is the hangar for the personal helicopter?
Even millionaires can afford personal helicopters.

Where is the hangar for the two-seater Harrisr jump-jet?
Will you extend the Skyhook retrieval device from the port or starboard side?
The skyhook should be extended via the periscope so you can see what it is doing. No point jabbing pilot number one in the eye with the thing, old chap. But, and this is a big but. Where is the inside out microwave for top secret paper technology security. After all, much money in working out whether multi-billionaire X has gone for the more luxurious and much softer, ten ply. I would LOVE to have some ten ply softness, wouldn't you?

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