Competition of T-38


ACCESS: Secret
2 February 2006
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1) Northrop Model N-156TZ---YT-38 (Talon)
2) Lockheed Model CL-314. A study - apparently not overly detailed - for a two-seat trainer derivative of the F-104, done for the USAF. No other data. Dates from ca. 1955-1956.
3) ? Model ?

What can we say about this?
The Lochkeed's model numebers involved were a few more. This afternoon...
Lockheed tendered to the competition for a supersonic trainer a series of designs derived from the F-104 in little or more-than little radical ways. First is the above mentioned and already posted here CL-314,1965.msg53387.html#msg53387.
From early 1957 are the next two designs. CL-342 was a miimum supersonic trainer with a Mach 1.5 maximum speed, powered by two J-85s. The contemporray CL-343 had a speed reduced to Mach 1.0 due the lone Westinghouse J-54 powering it.The fuselage of the F-104 was more deeply modified. There were two iterations of this design, but the two differed in minor details.
From mid-1957 is finally the CL-360, defined an "optimum two-place supersonic trainer". The engine is unspecified but described as having the power of two J-85s.


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  • CL-343-2.gif
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  • CL-360-1.gif
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Hi Skybolt!

Thank you very much. Very good, but I am talking about the competition SS-420L/TZ/Northrop T-38.These projects (CL-342,-343,-360) were created later SS-420L. I think of these projects, only the CL-314, was involved in this competition.
mmm, maybe yes, maybe no. The TDNs were assigned to studies under contract from USAF. Maybe they weren't all that sure of their choice.

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