Company-Funded Weapons Technology Demonstrators


ACCESS: Restricted
12 January 2008
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I am trying to compile a list of innovative weapons developed completely through corporate research, with no standing requirements from the military/government. So I'm excluding all innovations stemming from NASA or DARPA contracts, and of course armed service research labs. I am primarily interested in research programs designed to develop a weapons technology that encourages the government/military to create a contract.

I don't necessarily need an exhaustive list, but I don't want to miss any major projects. The innovations don't even have to be successful, but I do want to focus on technical innovations, i.e. new technologies. I'm mostly familiar with American projects, but would welcome international suggestions.

I think the Wright Flyer III may meet my qualifications, as I believe the Wrights developed the aircraft on their own initiative before offering it to the War Department.
I've got several experimental aircraft like Boeing's Bird of Prey and Skyfox, Lockheed's Polecat, Northrop's flying wings, Scaled's Ares, etc...
I'm also looking at Metal Storm and I'm thinking of including various 6.8mm concepts.
I think the laser fits my qualifications as Bell Labs was responsible for its inception, but the weaponization of lasers may be more an example of a military/government led research effort.

Any input from SPF's exalted braintrust is greatly appreciated!

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