Club-K Container Missile System


Donald McKelvy
Senior Member
14 August 2009
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Club-K Container Missile System is designated for hitting surface and land targets by 3М-54ТE, 3М-54ТE1 and 3М-14ТE cruise missiles.

Club-K Missile System can be installed on coastal positions, surface ships and vessels of different classes, railway and automobile platforms.

Club-K Missile System is housed in 40-feet standard marine container.
Functionally Club-K Missile System consists of Universal Launching Module (ULM), Combat Management Module (CMM) and Energy-Supply and Life-Support Module (ES&LSM).

The launcher with 4 missiles is housed in the Universal Launching Module. The ULM is designed for preparation and missile start-off from transport-launching containers.

Combat Management Module provides:
– every day servicing and scheduled missile control;
– receiving of target detection and commands to open fire
– combat support computation;
– pre-launch preparation;
– launch mission defining and cruise missile launching.

CMM and ES&LSM can be constructively arranged and made in the form of separate standard marine containers.

- Capability of usage from any land and sea platforms
- Efficiency of delivery and installation on carrier or coastal positions
- Hitting of surface and land targets
- Ability to increase the number of ammunition loads



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Two of the three cruise missile options for the Club-K Cruise Missile Container System.



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Club-K Container Missile System display at Euronaval 2010.



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Club-K Container Missile System on display at MAKS 2013



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Pretty classy the way they market this as a terrorist weapon.
sferrin said:
Pretty classy the way they market this as a terrorist weapon.

What? The only person who talked about "terrorists" was a TV announcer. Or is America finally making it official that anyone who opposes the US, or who opposes anyone using US equipment, has to be a terrorist?
Bill Walker said:
sferrin said:
Pretty classy the way they market this as a terrorist weapon.

What? The only person who talked about "terrorists" was a TV announcer. Or is America finally making it official that anyone who opposes the US, or who opposes anyone using US equipment, has to be a terrorist?

Who else would want to hide missiles on a container ship? This isn't brain surgery.
sferrin said:
Bill Walker said:
sferrin said:
Pretty classy the way they market this as a terrorist weapon.

What? The only person who talked about "terrorists" was a TV announcer. Or is America finally making it official that anyone who opposes the US, or who opposes anyone using US equipment, has to be a terrorist?

Who else would want to hide missiles on a container ship? This isn't brain surgery.

A nation that wants to increase the chances of it's forces surviving day 1 against a potentially larger force; by using idea being that you can integrate conventional systems and forces into a semi-guerilla fighting style.

Yes terrorists could use it, and I do feel that this system is rather sinister (it doesn't help that the videos depict it blowing up hornets and carriers).

However, I don't think terrorists will find much use in such a system. Maybe this will give them the idea, but I feel that if this is a terrorist weapon, we would have already seen airliners, etc shot down by SAMs smuggled onto cargo ships, etc already.
Dragon029 said:
A nation that wants to increase the chances of it's forces surviving day 1 against a potentially larger force; by using idea being that you can integrate conventional systems and forces into a semi-guerilla fighting style.

I'd put 'em on VLCCs. They get around. Or better yet, LNG carriers. Nobody'd want to blow one of those up. Also, they don't have to be on boats. This is nothing more than denial & deception. You can find these type of crates everywhere, meaning you can put these in a lot of places sure to be amusing with a good chance of being undiscovered. This may also be a Russian effort to announce that if you buy it, they will find a way to get it to you. If they could fit an S-300 into one of these Cyprus would've been all over it.

Dragon029 said:
it doesn't help that the videos depict it blowing up hornets and carriers.

It IS a Russian system. I'll maybe decide to be offended when we take FLANKERs or other Russian kit out of US videos.

Dragon029 said:
However, I don't think terrorists will find much use in such a system.

Me either. Where are they gonna get the cash, for one? Or the expertise to use it? Unless Russia sells these to Iran, then all bets are off. Or Iran tries to make yet another farsical knock-off in an attempt to remain Relevant At Something.
As a terrorist weapon it would only be useful, if one of those containers could be taken to the road
and then launch its weapons under way autonomously, without help and knowledge of the ships crew, I
think. In the shown form, it's just a camouflaged weapon, making defense more difficult, because of the
highly increased number of potential targets, maybe leading to saturation of the attackers assets.
The handfull of German auxiliary cruiser, used as commerce raiders put great stress on the British Navy, too.
Jemiba said:
used as commerce raiders

I think that's the perfect analogy. Come a period of tension every navy ship would look at every freight ship as a potential arsenal ship...
sferrin said:
Bill Walker said:
sferrin said:
Pretty classy the way they market this as a terrorist weapon.

What? The only person who talked about "terrorists" was a TV announcer. Or is America finally making it official that anyone who opposes the US, or who opposes anyone using US equipment, has to be a terrorist?

Who else would want to hide missiles on a container ship? This isn't brain surgery.

Using that thought process, everyone who puts camouflage on their missile launchers or planes or troops or Boy Scouts must be a terrorist.
Bill Walker said:
sferrin said:
Bill Walker said:
sferrin said:
Pretty classy the way they market this as a terrorist weapon.

What? The only person who talked about "terrorists" was a TV announcer. Or is America finally making it official that anyone who opposes the US, or who opposes anyone using US equipment, has to be a terrorist?

Who else would want to hide missiles on a container ship? This isn't brain surgery.

Using that thought process, everyone who puts camouflage on their missile launchers or planes or troops or Boy Scouts must be a terrorist.

By that rational you'd consider a soldier dressing up as a civilian woman as simply wearing camoflage. Maybe throw a kid in there for a human shield to really complete the picture? Yes?
You guys are overreacting. This is clearly the most awesome anti-piracy weapon system EVER.
SOC said:
You guys are overreacting. This is clearly the most awesome anti-piracy weapon system EVER.

Now THAT would be funny. ;D
Wow, such a simple, yet effective deployment principle!!
Imagine these bad boy Club-K Container Missile System's being used in a modern 'Cuban Missile Crisis :eek:
My issue and concern ids the knowladge that Russia is willing to sell such weapons too anyone with $$$ :-\

Bill Walker said:
Using that thought process, everyone who puts camouflage on their missile launchers or planes or troops or Boy Scouts must be a terrorist.
Interesting question, although I cannot help the feeling, that this discussion is getting more caustically !

But regarding Odysseus as a terrorist could change the whole ancient historiography ! ;)
At least with regards to warfare at sea, it seems to me, that still yet the valid legislation calls for showing the
correct flag before opening fire. This procedure was called for in several conventions on the law of the sea and
AFAIK, even the camouflaged German raiders complied with it, although often just according to the letter and not
the meaning of the law. Would be a great gesture to raise the flag before launching a missile with a range of hundreds
of kilometers ! :-\
Yes, can just imagine the Somali pirates' faces when the container ship they're attacking sprouts Club-K launchers.
That's as nice an idea, as the hoax of wealthy, very wealthy Russian tourists, who chartered voyages near
the Somali coast, just to be attacked by pirates ... and then to open up with their own heavy armament,
the freighter or cruise ship turned into something of a firing range then, backed up by some "special troops" for
the case of an emergency.
But wouldn't a Club-K missile be a bit exaggerated for countering a speedboat ?
I've read that the system has an estimated price of $20 million dollars and that Venezuela and Iran have shown interest. It seems to me that the system is too high tech for terrorist groups. It seems that the system would allow rogue regimes to hide their missile systems from satellite surveillance since from the outside they appear like any other intermodal shipping containers.

Jemiba said:
But wouldn't a Club-K missile be a bit exaggerated for countering a speedboat ?

No more so than a laser gun.
There is also picture of and ordinary looking semi-trailer pulling this system as well. So we have ship containers, semi-trucks, and trains able to move these around. You could be driving on the freeway next to one. The Russian speaker on RT seems to assure us that the "end user" of this will be on an approved list. That's reassuring. I suppose we could come up with a system like this as well. Cargo container missile proliferation arms race? bringing missiles to the masses. This would be perfect for a rouge nation with a nuke or two. What if Al-Qaeda had 10 of these nuclear tipped?
Seems like a perfectly reasonable idea. Considering the millions of containers, and their ease of use, I am surprised that they've not been used a lot more.

I think that the main problems are that the US didn't think of it first, and that Russia is the one selling it.

And the US did that have idea of converting merchant ships to convoy escorts using containers to hold the equipment. Phalanx on one, ASW torpedoes in another, helo crew in others.

And the UK used containers on the backs of heavy trucks in Bosnia a few years back. Looked like the usual logistics runs, expect that they were used to move their 105mm Light Guns around inside.

Gerard said:
Seems like a perfectly reasonable idea. Considering the millions of containers, and their ease of use, I am surprised that they've not been used a lot more.

I think that the main problems are that the US didn't think of it first, and that Russia is the one selling it.

No, I think the main reason as that any legitimate government wouldn't be able to use it in such a manner. Painting up a weapon to look like a civilian piece of equipment isn't exactly brain surgery. You might ask yourself why everybody doesn't do that hmmm?
sferrin said:
Gerard said:
Seems like a perfectly reasonable idea. Considering the millions of containers, and their ease of use, I am surprised that they've not been used a lot more.

I think that the main problems are that the US didn't think of it first, and that Russia is the one selling it.

No, I think the main reason as that any legitimate government wouldn't be able to use it in such a manner. Painting up a weapon to look like a civilian piece of equipment isn't exactly brain surgery. You might ask yourself why everybody doesn't do that hmmm?
sferrin is exactly right start disguising weapons as 'something' civilian and watch a surgical strike turn into carpet bombing, "Hey any one of those containers might contain a missile"
sferrin said:
No, I think the main reason as that any legitimate government wouldn't be able to use it in such a manner. Painting up a weapon to look like a civilian piece of equipment isn't exactly brain surgery. You might ask yourself why everybody doesn't do that hmmm?

Well now, that depends on how you define a legitimate government, and who's doing the defining. The real objection to these is that nations that don't toe the US party line could acquire them, hide them very easily, and possess a potential deterrent to a future US military action. Which, as sovereign states, is well within their own right to do, in case people forget. Just as it is well within Russia's right to export these non-MTCR busting items to nations not under international restrictions.
SOC said:
sferrin said:
No, I think the main reason as that any legitimate government wouldn't be able to use it in such a manner. Painting up a weapon to look like a civilian piece of equipment isn't exactly brain surgery. You might ask yourself why everybody doesn't do that hmmm?

Well now, that depends on how you define a legitimate government, and who's doing the defining. The real objection to these is that nations that don't toe the US party line could acquire them, hide them very easily, and possess a potential deterrent to a future US military action. Which, as sovereign states, is well within their own right to do, in case people forget. Just as it is well within Russia's right to export these non-MTCR busting items to nations not under international restrictions.

So they'd have no cause to complain if we started dressing all our soldiers as civilians and building some bomb-dropping 787s painted up in Air France livery right?
Pretty sure the first is illegal for some reason, and the second is nowhere near the same thing as you'd overtly be pretending to be someone else.

Besides, we're about to permanently lose the right to play the morality card if we go around serving as Al Qaeda's air force, so find a new argument.
SOC said:
Pretty sure the first is illegal for some reason, and the second is nowhere near the same thing as you'd overtly be pretending to be someone else.

Besides, we're about to permanently lose the right to play the morality card if we go around serving as Al Qaeda's air force, so find a new argument.

So if we do it it's illegal but if Russia does it's good to go then? Got it. I'm curious how you think we're about to "serve as Al Qaeda's air force".
The Hague Convention says, that combatants have to be distinguishable externally from civilians. Otherwise,
they lose the protection given by this convention.
For warships, the United Nations Convention On The Law Of The Sea (UNCLOS) says, that they have to be commanded
by a Navy officer and have to show signs of their belonging to the armed forces, usually the flag. This point was and is
usually interpreted, as necessary only, when they are acting as warships of their country (remember the habit of commerce
raiders in WW I and II to fly the flag just seconds before opening fire) !
AFAIK, the same principles are valid for land and air forces, too and as long, as they are on their own territory, that should be
enough legitimation. And although we are speaking about all those rules in connection with mobile assets, there's a long history
of camouflaging immobile ones as civil buildings. And to call Switzerland a rogue country could have severe impact on the
financial market ! (picture of the gun emplacement from )
Quite clear, that weapons like Club-K aren't fancied by many countries, but from the legal side, I think it will be hard to get
rid of them, I'm afraid, as the concerned laws generally are international ones.


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sferrin said:
SOC said:
Pretty sure the first is illegal for some reason, and the second is nowhere near the same thing as you'd overtly be pretending to be someone else.

Besides, we're about to permanently lose the right to play the morality card if we go around serving as Al Qaeda's air force, so find a new argument.

So if we do it it's illegal but if Russia does it's good to go then? Got it. I'm curious how you think we're about to "serve as Al Qaeda's air force".

I took your implication to mean dressing soldiers as civilians and sending them into combat, which I'm pretty sure is actually illegal somehow, and a whole lot different from concealing a weapon system. Besides, how is Club-K in a container any different conceptually from a surveillance drone disguised as an insect? Both are clearly trying to conceal their presence. And remember the Brits that got a tank to look like a station wagon or a garbage bin on thermal sensors? That should be no different either.

The other comment was in reference to the asinine idea of bombing Assad. Everyone wants to gloss over or ignore the fact that we'd be supporting the insurgency and in turn supporting associated AQ elements within the insurgency. So, yeah, Al Qaeda's air force. Pardon me for finding any sort of support for those guys on our part to be thoroughly repugnant.
The notion of Club-K being a terrorist weapon is a bit remote on account of cost and complexity. The Club missile family and the Kh-35 are not small weapons.

Club-K is more land-based than sea-based. Sure, you can in theory put it on a container ship, but how do you use it? A container ship is large and obvious, and if it's doing anything except chuntering slowly from A to B, with a publicly declared sailing plan, it's automatically suspicious. You also need targeting support.

On land, it's a defensive weapon in most cases (unless you're interdicting traffic in narrow seas). Putting the system in intermodal containers is a good way to practice CCD, even on a military base (all you need for decoys are a lot of blue containers). Basically, it's a way to protect your A2AD from an advanced adversary.

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