Classified Patches and other Commemorative Items


ACCESS: Secret
14 September 2023
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Hello people, I am starting this thread because I think it would be neat to make a thread to where we can post patches belonging to secret and black military projects. Also, because im trying to start a collection of them, and I need help looking for a place where I can purchase them. I've seen them on eBay. I dont know if they're good quality. I have also been trying to buy the Northrop Project Ninja patch, but there's no clones of it online, unfortunately. But if you have anywhere where I can buy these patches, feel free to post a link here.
Hello people, I am starting this thread because I think it would be neat to make a thread to where we can post patches belonging to secret and black military projects. Also, because im trying to start a collection of them, and I need help looking for a place where I can purchase them. I've seen them on eBay. I dont know if they're good quality. I have also been trying to buy the Northrop Project Ninja patch, but there's no clones of it online, unfortunately. But if you have anywhere where I can buy these patches, feel free to post a link here.
I have that book. Good read but I want the physical patches.
After the book came out, eBay was flooded with reproductions but you can still find the genuine article from time to time.

A few descriptive notes regarding some of the emblems that are out there:

Northrop's Project NINJA (Netcentric Intelligence, Jamming and Attack) used a miniature air-launched decoy (MALD) airframe equipped with the Netted Element Weapon Service (NEWS) and Netted Effects (NetFx) software. NINJA was designed to be a launch-and-leave weapon capable of operating within a net-centric environment. It apparently underwent developmental testing prior to 2008. There was a full-up field demonstration scheduled for July 2008, but I don't know if that took place. The field demo was supposed to show how multiple users could simultaneously benefit from the NINJA's sensor capabilities. According to the concept of operations, requests from users would come from an experimental Joint Air Operations Center (JAOC-X). These requests and the responses generated would be directly exchanged between the NINJA weapon and the JAOC-X or posted to an intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) network by an airborne Distributed Common Ground System Integrated Backbone (DIB). Data posted to the ISR network would be available to all authorized users. Scenario parameters would allow users varying amounts of ad hoc NINJA re-tasking capability in near-real time to response to changing battlespace conditions.

Night Stalker II was was mentioned in the May 11, 1984 issue of Northrop News: "The first Cobra helicopter supplied by the U.S. Army to the Electro-Mechanical Division (EMD) for the Pilot Night Vision System (PNVS) Surrogate Trainer (Night Stalker Il) program was accepted for the division by Fred Doten and Geno Vagnone, division helicopter pilots, in a ceremony at the Associated Air Center modification facilities, Dallas, Texas. The Night Stalker II program will modify the Cobra helicopter for use as a trainer for the more advanced Hughes AH-64A Apache helicopter. Use of the smaller and more readily available Cobra as an Apache trainer will be less costly to the government and will eliminate the need to remove the Apache from operational use. The PNVS built by Martin Marietta, will permit the trainer to be operated at night, under Nap-of-the-Earth conditions, without external light."
After the book came out, eBay was flooded with reproductions but you can still find the genuine article from time to time.

A few descriptive notes regarding some of the emblems that are out there:

Northrop's Project NINJA (Netcentric Intelligence, Jamming and Attack) used a miniature air-launched decoy (MALD) airframe equipped with the Netted Element Weapon Service (NEWS) and Netted Effects (NetFx) software. NINJA was designed to be a launch-and-leave weapon capable of operating within a net-centric environment. It apparently underwent developmental testing prior to 2008. There was a full-up field demonstration scheduled for July 2008, but I don't know if that took place. The field demo was supposed to show how multiple users could simultaneously benefit from the NINJA's sensor capabilities. According to the concept of operations, requests from users would come from an experimental Joint Air Operations Center (JAOC-X). These requests and the responses generated would be directly exchanged between the NINJA weapon and the JAOC-X or posted to an intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) network by an airborne Distributed Common Ground System Integrated Backbone (DIB). Data posted to the ISR network would be available to all authorized users. Scenario parameters would allow users varying amounts of ad hoc NINJA re-tasking capability in near-real time to response to changing battlespace conditions.

Night Stalker II was was mentioned in the May 11, 1984 issue of Northrop News: "The first Cobra helicopter supplied by the U.S. Army to the Electro-Mechanical Division (EMD) for the Pilot Night Vision System (PNVS) Surrogate Trainer (Night Stalker Il) program was accepted for the division by Fred Doten and Geno Vagnone, division helicopter pilots, in a ceremony at the Associated Air Center modification facilities, Dallas, Texas. The Night Stalker II program will modify the Cobra helicopter for use as a trainer for the more advanced Hughes AH-64A Apache helicopter. Use of the smaller and more readily available Cobra as an Apache trainer will be less costly to the government and will eliminate the need to remove the Apache from operational use. The PNVS built by Martin Marietta, will permit the trainer to be operated at night, under Nap-of-the-Earth conditions, without external light."
Was project Ninja secret? As far as im aware it wasn't. Since I cant find any reproduction patches online im thinking about contacting an Public Relations person at Northrop, they have a whole page of contacts dedicated to that. Hopefully, that won't be an issue. Even if they just send me a picture of said patch, that's good enough because im pretty sure theres online services that can make patches out of a single picture you send them.
Obviously we need an SPF patch made
Top of patch: "Secret Projects Forum"
Middle of patch: image of the aircraft featured in the homescreen
Bottom of patch: "Real Speculation since '05"

Also know that you're here, do you know if Project Ninja was secret or not?
Top of patch: "Secret Projects Forum"
Bottom of patch: "Real Speculation since '05"
Naw - gotta have some badly translated Latin:

Secretum Incepta Testimonii Loco

Verus speculatio quia MMV
And for art - perhaps something stolen from the web and tweaked, something like this...


Data loquitur - taurus stercore ambulat
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Decided to make this thread because I wanted to make a place where we could all post patches and other items from former classified or still classified projects. These can range from patches, challenge coins, posters, and even mugs. Please don't be afraid to contribute. For example, here is the patch belonging to the P-175 Polecat.


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Here is a link to some of Trevor Paglen's patch collections. The ones from the 2013 range are very obscure and you don't see them often on the internet. I'd post the images but for some reason its not letting me download them.
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The HAVE BLUE mug always amuses me. When Keith Beswick presented the original artwork to the program security officer, it bore the words, "HAVE BLUE FLIGHT TEST TEAM." The PSO said, "Remove the words, 'Flight Test.'" That simple change supposedly eliminated any risk of revealing sensitive information.

Bur look at the design. There's a cloud, like up in the sky. There is a skunk tail that is identical to the one on the Lockheed Advanced Development Projects (better known as "Skunk Works") logo. There's an aircraft nose with a flight-test air-data probe. For any aviation enthusiast with a little bit of knowledge, the design gives away the manufacturer (Lockheed ADP), program name (HAVE BLUE), and that it's a flight-test effort.
I can see many good things being posted in this thread, it has potential. I just hope people contribute because there is soo much commemorative items out there dedicated to classified programs.
Nice coin. I have that emblem as n embroidered patch.

Some years ago, I put a couple hundred of my F-117A patches in a humongous frame to display at an event. Considering how large my collection is, I am always surprised at how many patches I am still missing. My collection is nowhere near complete.

I want to, however, I'm a bit hesitant to add much more to this thread, given the reproductions.
Nice coin. I have that emblem as n embroidered patch.

Some years ago, I put a couple hundred of my F-117A patches in a humongous frame to display at an event. Considering how large my collection is, I am always surprised at how many patches I am still missing. My collection is nowhere near complete.

Not mine, but yeah, she's nice, the reverse... It would be nice to have a section that isn't openaire, to share some things, like red hat rings, flags and hats, and other stuff.
I want to, however, I'm a bit hesitant to add much more to this thread, given the reproductions.
Yes! This coin a good example! I mean there's plenty of reproductions online so I wouldn't mind, but dont post the Trevor Paglen patches as everyone is already aware of those and they have their own thread.
Here is a patch and a challenge coin belonging to what would later be revealed as the X-44 Manta UAV.


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Found a mug belonging to the Baja Scorpions on ebay.


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Groom "GHOST" heli squadron.


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Found a mug belonging to the Baja Scorpions on ebay.
The mug has been sold! Forgot to add more photos of it.


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