Chinese UCAV/UAV technology

Copy, copy, copy. I am waiting for the Chinese copy of the 1957 Chevy Bel Air but wait, there may be one already?
I must admit I am suprised (but not really) that China has moved forward with this technology as soon as they have. I think they did the math and realized that productivity over their distance is a valid reason to do this. Suspect the unmanned demonstrator is to do the dangerous stuff with a new vehicle type. Would not be surprised to see it transition to a more FLRAA'eque platform in the coming years.

Another article:

Addendum: I am not one to cast doubt, but a closer look at the bulkhead adjacent to the rotating pylon seems shockingly bare of bits and bobs and hydraulics that usually festone the area around the engine and proprotor pylons. Perhaps they have come up with a novel way to retain those behind the firewall. If so, good on them. But it does raise an eyebrow for me.
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