Have any additional information on this?
No,I guess it maybe some test model between Type 69 and Type 80
this tank maybe early than 1223·······
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Last sentence: "judging from the bore excavator, the 1223 prototype on the upper-left has been modified to adapt domestic produce version of 105mm gun"
which means 1223 prototype originally equipped with other tank gun.
Type 69 with observation-aiming system and Iraq Type 69II/125mm gun .picture from chinese military worker in that years.


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69 with the JD-3 type COEP laser dazzler and GTD
The JD-3 laser dazzler, which is based on the primary targeting of an ATC using a high power, directional laser. A typical system is the JD-3 Dazzler, which consists of a laser detection system, a dome-shaped sensor mounted on the top of the turret, and a boxed laser self-defence weapon (LSDW) that "shoots" a laser beam at a detecting target, be it a tank gunner, helicopter gunner, or rocket launcher. The system uses two modes of operation: the low-power mode is used in a general search concentration designed to excite optical targets. Once a target has been acquired, the laser switches to maximum power mode to unblock the target, blinding the operator or saturating his electro-optical circuits.

Test GTE ST6J-771 installed

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(69 с типом лазерного ослепителя КОЭП JD-3 и ГТД
Лазерное ослепляющее средство JD-3, основанное на основном поражении ПТРК с помощью направленного лазера высокой мощности. Типовой является система JD-3 «Dazzler», состоящая из обнаружения обнаружения лазерного излучения, куполообразного датчика, установленного на крыше башни, и коробчатого лазерного оружия самообороны (LSDW), которая «выстреливает» лазерным лучом в обнаруживающем объект. источник, будь то наводчик танка, вертолета или ракетницы. В системе используются два режима работы: режим малой мощности используется в общей концентрации в целях поиска, предназначенной для возбуждения оптических целей. После захвата цели лазер переключается в режим максимальной мощности, чтобы разблокировать цель, ослепив оператора или насытив его электрооптические цепи.

установлен тестовый ГТД ST6J-771)


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Type 69Q-M2. This modification was demonstrated once in 1989 at the Baghdad Armaments Exhibition and was produced between 1986 and 1991. The tank was equipped with a bi-plane stabilized 125 mm smoothbore gun with automatic loader, which moved to slightly increase the size of the aft turret and to install a hatch for ejection of shell trays. The fighting compartment was completely reconfigured, reducing the number of crewmen to three. The commander's seat was moved to the right side of the turret

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(Тип 69Q-M2. Эта модификация демонстрировалась раз в 1989 году на выставке вооружений в Багдаде и производилась в 1986—1991 гг. Танк вооружался стабилизированной в двух плоскостях 125-мм гладкоствольной пушкой с автоматом загрузки, что перемещалось несколько увеличить размер кормовой части башни, а также установить люк для выброса поддонов стреляных гильз. Боевое отделение полностью перекомпоновали, сократив за счет экипажа до трех человек. Место командира перенесли в правую часть башни)


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"Type 69" with Al Faw kit

("Тип 69" с комплектом Al Faw)


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Type 69IIG, в котором основное орудие Type 69 заменено на более легкое 125-мм гладкоствольное орудие. Он предлагался иностранным пользователям танков Type 59 и Type 69.

In 1999, China offered the Type 69 IIG (B69IIIG?) tank, which is an upgraded and converted Type 69 tank for foreign countries operating the Type 69. This vehicle is a modernization plan for the Type 69 II tank, in which the main gun is replaced with a lighter 125 -mm smoothbore gun, as well as upgraded fire control system and night vision system. However, unlike the 125 mm mounted type in Iraq, the "Kasetoka" automatic loader is not installed, and loading is done by the loader (equipped with an auxiliary loader), so the crew remains 4 people. Rate of fire from 4 to 6 rounds / minute. The light 125mm smoothbore gun is available for Chinese-made APFSDS ammunition (penetrates a homogeneous 600mm thick steel plate at a distance of 2000m), HEAT and HE ammunition, but also uses various Soviet/Russian 125mm ammunition. can be done too. The muzzle is equipped with a porous muzzle brake to reduce recoil. The specifications of the pistol are as follows. Gun height 6000 mm, gun weight 2650 kg, maximum rear seat force 400 kN, hit accuracy at 1000 m 0.28 m x 0.28 m for APFSDS bullets and 0.30 m x 0.30 m for cumulative / high-explosive bullets. Other characteristics of the 69IIG tank are as follows. The combat weight is 36.8 tons, the number of equipped shells is 30 rounds, the elevation angle of the gun is from -5 to 18 degrees, circular firing is possible. Protective characteristics and mobility remain the same as the prototype, but these aspects can be improved in accordance with the budget and requirements of the country of operation. The Type 69 IIG tank itself is not currently in service in any country, but the modernization and re-equipment of a similar Type 59 tank is being carried out in Pakistan (Al-Zarar tank), and the Type 69 series in Pakistan is also being repaired in the same way. Probably will apply.


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ussian 125mm ammunition. can be done too. The muzzle is equipped with a porous muzzle brake to reduce recoil. The specifications of the pistol are as follows. Gun height 6000 mm, gun weight 2650 kg, maximum rear seat force 400 kN, hit accuracy at 1000 m 0.28 m x 0.28 m for APFSDS bullets and 0.30 m x 0.30 m for cumulative / high-explosive bullets. Other characteristics of the 69IIG tank are as follows. The combat weight is 36.8 tons, the number of equipped shells is 30 rounds, the elevation angle of the gun is from -5 to 18 degrees, circular firing is po
wow!!!interesting data!!
The Type 69-QM tank is the designation used for the Chinese Type 69-II tanks in Iraqi service. Iraq was the largest operator of the Type 69-II.
many cars (it is not known whether all or not) steel plates were added to the upper part of the frontal sheet to enhance frontal protection
Some of them were equipped with an observation mast, and some with a 60-mm mortar.
Another interesting modification was a rather crude but effective smoke screen generator. Although the Type 69 series could feed diesel fuel into the hot exhaust gases to produce smoke, the Iraqi Ba'athist Army ran a narrow pipe from the rear exhaust area along the left side of the hull to the front so that the smoke could be vented. from this
Some command tanks have been upgraded in the same way as the T-55 Enigma.
both the hull and the turret are coated with infrared reflective paint.


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