Chinese Straddling Bus


ACCESS: Top Secret
14 December 2009
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In an ideal world this thing might work but given the way people drive cars and stack all kinds of crap on top I wonder how it will fare in the real world. Also, no matter if you have a law saying no trucks allowed on certain lanes, what are the chances people will go ahead and drive their trucks on them anyways.
Wired is a trifle sceptical:
And what are they doing if the bus wants drive straight down the road and cars under it want to turn left or right and vice versa ?
Anderman said:
And what are they doing if the bus wants drive straight down the road and cars under it want to turn left or right and vice versa ?

Isn't it just the double-sided problem you may have onesided, when driving beside a tram ?
Jemiba said:
Anderman said:
And what are they doing if the bus wants drive straight down the road and cars under it want to turn left or right and vice versa ?

Isn't it just the double-sided problem you may have onesided, when driving beside a tram ?

It is but it takes away the proposed advantage of this bus that it can drive over the cars on the lane so that cars and the bus could use the same street at the same time.
Looks like the project may be sailing into stormy waters:
Unbelievably dangerous idea: wind gusts, weaving cars, distracted drivers, large vehicles that enter wrong lanes...better to put the money into the very high speed tubes.

Ok though if just for workplace employee transportation, or college campus or similar area.
Orionblamblam said:
Up close it doesn't look like a quality piece of engineering:

I'm a little unclear why having rubber wheels is necessarily a bad idea, but the other aspects of it look pretty slapdash.

On the other hand, proof of concepts / technology demonstrators, especially in the last 20yrs or so, do tend towards having shortcuts taken in the holy name of 'cost control'. Whether such corner cutting actually saves money in the long term however...

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