Chinese fighter RCS pylon model


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
17 October 2006
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I was sent this photo. It looks like an old RCS pylon, that predates the sloped teardrop-section designs used in Have Blue. The chines say stealth but the AIM-9s (or K-13s or PL-2s) don't. Not very big.

Any ideas?


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LowObservable said:
I was sent this photo. It looks like an old RCS pylon, that predates the sloped teardrop-section designs used in Have Blue. The chines say stealth but the AIM-9s (or K-13s or PL-2s) don't. Not very big.

Any ideas?

May be one of the McDD models used for the RCS studies at Grey Butte that lead to the XST requirements.
The larger weapons are certainly interesting.
LowObservable said:
Any ideas?

If it's a real design (as opposed to something that somebody - perhaps even an aerospace firm - simply slapped together), it seems to have a serious Lockheed vibe. Looks kinda like the A-6-5:
Photos from that topic. I was just about to suggest it might be Chinese due to the Python-3 / PL-8 AAM.


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Looks like an R-13M (AA-2D Advanced Atoll) before the new square-tip fins were added.
Orionblamblam said:
PaulMM (Overscan) said:
Photos from that topic. I was just about to suggest it might be Chinese due to the Python-3 / PL-8 AAM.

The AIM-9 has me stumped, though. Did the Chinese clone that and I missed it?

PL-2 was a licensed copy of the Soviet R-13, which was a reverse engineered AIM-9B - China supplied the Sidewinders to the USSR , and got the R-13 technical documentation and pattern rounds back (eventually) as part payment. It was later developed into PL-3 (unsuccessful), PL-5A (unsuccessful), PL-5B, PL-5C, PL-5E. These look like PL-5B (see attached pic). Most likely PL-5B/5C was based on acquired Sidewinders from Vietnam - AIM-9G/H - or R-13M/M1.


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;D Well, when they finally start to do innovation again (been a long time since gunpowder and fireworks)... everything is fair game!
According to the Northern people to find the information found in this fighter program BUCKBEAK. The aircraft then indeed been a lot of trials and studies, this model is inspired from the U.S. military's so-called F19 fighter program blowing wind tunnel, measuring over radar reflector RCS , engineering is not small. U.S. F19 fighter does not really exist, have claimed that the U.S. military in order to cover F117 project sincerity revealing strategic deception models.

Other models in the same series are a Mirage 2000 (which likely dates these models to late early / mid 80s) and...
That Chinese Stealth Model reminds me a lot of one of the early artist concepts of what they thought the "F-19" looked like.
[quote author=PaulMM (Overscan)]Other models in the same series are a Mirage 2000 (which likely dates these models to late early / mid 80s) and...[/quote]
...what looks like a "stealthified" Teledyne Ryan Model 147H. Telltales include the fuselage top raceway fairing for the recovery parachute risers and the nosecone fairing for the AOA sensor. Differences include the added chines and the dual vertical outboard vertical stabilizers. The Chinese did have a few 147Hs "donated" by the USAF for examination...
Like the missing link between the Firebee and Compass Arrow. Or a "stealthified" Compass Arrow without the engine mounted? Interesting, for sure.

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