How much helium does the Chinese petroleum industry produce every year?
That hangar is about 350m long and 140m wide. The big hangars at Cardington or Lakehurst are around 250m by 75m.

There's a lot more stuff here about other military buildings in the region.
The following articles may perhaps be of interest, if the links work...

China could take the risk with hydrogen.
This reminds me of a visit to a Canadian Army ammo dump when we had to surrender all our tobacco and lighters and cigarettes at the front gate.
The biggest challenge is banning recreational smoking of tobacco, marijuana, hashish, crack, etc. within flame range of the envelope. Perhaps search all employees every time they arrive on company property. Infrared security cameras would help catch violators inside the fence.
Do vape pipes produce temperatures hot enough to ignite hydrogen?
Please remember that Hindenburg's fatal fire was related to damage airframe damage suffered a day or three before she landed at Lakenhurst, New Jersey. Modern construction methods should eliminate most of the fire hazard.
Also remember that hydrogen is significantly lighter than helium, so the same size of envelope can lift a few tons more.
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"Sit on the edge of space".

Uhh, I'm guessing that the writer doesn't grasp how high-altitude balloons actually work.
Building an "airship"; rigid, "blimp" or hybrid, that could function at that altitude ain't as
straightforward as the writer seems to believe.

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