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KLJ-1/1471 - low/medium PRF only,  intended for J-8C (?)

1491 - improved KLJ-1, low/medium PRF, J-8G

1492 - Improved KLJ-1, low/medium/high PRF, J-8F (based on KLJ-3 tech?)

KLJ-3/1473 - 300W average power, low/medium/high PRF, 780mm diameter antenna, J-10.

Early model supported CW injection for PL-11 SARH AAM.

Later model removed CW transmitter, software/firmware upgrades and used only PL-12/SD-10 Active Radar AAM.

1478 KLJ-7 - low/medium/high PRF, 580mm diameter antenna, JF-17 (based on KLJ-3)

1493 - 1000W transmitter,  possibly J-11B radar?

1494 - J-11B radar ?

KLJ-10 - J-10C AESA?


1475  - J-20 AESA?

The Pearl (Zhemchoug?) transmitter in cooperation with Russia is interesting. 1600W average power.

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