China tastes the downside of Pakistan



"A deadly weekend attack in China's restive Xinjiang region was masterminded by "terrorists" trained in Pakistan, the local government said Monday."
first Ben Laden, now this
Pakistan, may You live in interesting times. (old chines Curse)
Hmm: Next time a terrorist hide-out gets hit by a drone-fired missile, the Usual US Spokesman may be able to smile and say, 'Shucks, weren't us...'
Nik said:
Hmm: Next time a terrorist hide-out gets hit by a drone-fired missile, the Usual US Spokesman may be able to smile and say, 'Shucks, weren't us...'

Given the way the PRC works, It might prove to be a, ah, more direct response. Such as a full scale incursion by a Group Army or two, just to show Beijing's extreme displeasure.

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