China Announces Plan to Make First Landing on Far Side of Moon in 2018 (Reuters)

Grey Havoc

Senior Member
9 October 2009
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interesting news
include this a Relais satellite in Halo orbit around L2 Point, who transmit the Rover data to earth ?

It had already been reported that China planned to send Chang'e 4 (the backup model of the Chang'e 3 lander) to the lunar farside. The intent to land on the farside was announced on the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program website on December 2. The China Daily News article mentions launch dates, and they're earlier than previously discussed. A communications relay satellite (based on the design of Chang'e 2) will be launched in June of 2018, and will take up a position at the Moon-Earth L2 point, where it will be able to see both the landing site and Earth. The lander will be launched at the end of 2018. There is still no official word on what the lander's scientific payload will be, or even if it will carry another rover.
A little more background:
blackstar said:
The Moon's "dark side"?

Which side is that?

There is no dark side of the moon, the moon happens to spin round on its axis at the same time that it orbits the Earth, so when we look at the moon it appears as if the same side is facing us.
FighterJock said:
blackstar said:
The Moon's "dark side"?

Which side is that?

There is no dark side of the moon, the moon happens to spin round on its axis at the same time that it orbits the Earth, so when we look at the moon it appears as if the same side is facing us.

Factor in that the moon is the same size in the sky as the sun (leading to total eclipses) and we've got a fairly improbable setup. We should be proud.
FighterJock said:
blackstar said:
The Moon's "dark side"?

Which side is that?

There is no dark side of the moon, the moon happens to spin round on its axis at the same time that it orbits the Earth, so when we look at the moon it appears as if the same side is facing us.

You don't say!

So Pink Floyd was wrong?
blackstar said:
FighterJock said:
blackstar said:
The Moon's "dark side"?

Which side is that?

There is no dark side of the moon, the moon happens to spin round on its axis at the same time that it orbits the Earth, so when we look at the moon it appears as if the same side is facing us.

You don't say!

So Pink Floyd was wrong?
I love The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd - especially cranked through headphones. -SP

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