Chemtrails debunking article by Dr Ron Smith




Courtesy of Randall Monroe/XKCD.

As a Canadian I recall finding it quite cute to watch videos of people from Georgia trying to light snow on fire. Conspiracy theories and conspiratorial thinking are annoying, but sometimes it is possible to have a degree of affection.

Of course, there is also the whole interesting discussion about the many impacts of high altitude aerosols (that actually exist)... technically there are chemicals in contrails (even if the visible portion is condensed water vapour).

The thing I find impressive is how relatively efficient it is to fly in thin air up there...
Well, very little changed during contrail-diminished Covid lock-down.
Politics was just as totally effin' crazy...

I'm not sure of authenticity, but, IIRC, UK+EU Greenpeace deprecate belief in chemtrails, while US branch embraces every last donut...

I remember reading of US guy selling 'chemtrail dispersers', whatsits you put in your garden to blat overflying 'trails...

Ha ! I knew I'd kept a link: I've a fun collection of 'off-the-wall' stuff for feeding my WIRS tales...

Care: after perusal, do saving-roll for sanity...
Weather manipulation isn't new and there is even some mainstream coverage of it.
Now stratospheric injection of sulfur dioxide aerosol would actually be a chemtrail. Agent Orange was real too.

Anti-gravity at Area 51…yeah…that’s a conspiracy theory. Airplanes spraying chemicals…they’re called cropdusters. Give me a bioreactor and CRISPR improvements….
There are still people who believe in chemtrails???
Sadly, there are still people who believe in a whole lot of even much more outrageous theories (flat earthers, I'm looking at you, among so many others way too numerous to mention...).
There are still people who believe in chemtrails???
Sadly, there are still people who believe in a whole lot of even much more outrageous theories (flat earthers, I'm looking at you, among so many others way too numerous to mention...).

It’s pretty pointless trying to educate these people though. They’ll believe their own BS regardless of how much proof there is otherwise.
My best iridescent contrail shot since writing this piece ...
A beautiful shot. I think I understood the notion of jet contrails as being condensation even as a small child. Actually, my parents explained it to me at probably the age of 6 and I could fully appreciate that a jet engine emitted a very hot exhaust and that the air temperature at altitude was very cold indeed. Oddly, enough that was the era when “Agent Orange” was a topic of congressional hearing and eventual lawsuits. Somehow, adult conspiracy theorists can conflate Operation Ranch Hand with an easily explained phenomenon? I honestly don’t think my 6 year old self would have bought into the conspiracy theory. I probably would have needed a couple more years to understand how the diffraction of light through water vapor renders a rainbow but I still would have appreciated the aesthetics of your photo. Thanks.
Thing is, CAARE is actually spraying salt in the atmosphere...I don't know what stratospheric injection of sulfur dioxide would look like.

A real climate modification spray might well be invisible from ground level.
You need to observe what percentage of persistent contrails are located near the solar corona at any given time of observation. And in what direction the created contrail haze is being carried to- towards the corona or away from it. If you observe the sky 360 degrees all year long , it will help you to understand the difference between contrails coinciding with traffic routes and contrails coinciding with ecliptic plane.

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