Cargo aircraft purposed as Bombers


ACCESS: Secret
16 July 2020
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AFRL Moves To Equip Cargo Planes With Bombs In a Box

Lockheed Martin’s roll-on/roll-off pallet can carry up to 32 AGM-158B JASSM-ER (Joint-Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile-Extended Range) missiles on a C-17, Scott Calloway, program director at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control, told reporters today.
KC-? airplanes will be great when they enjoy air-superiority (e.g. over a tin-pot dictator), but will fail miserably when facing peer air forces.
It's easier to have range with a CM than a SAM. The concept is then valid on the strategic level.
Try also to visualize the game changing effect of hundreds of added long range weapons closing on your opponents.
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