Caproni Ca.64 or MC1


ACCESS: Secret
5 September 2007
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Hi There

I've found some pictures of a model for this aircraft.

Anyone has more information? Maybe a 3 view drawing ?

Thanks in Advance


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at first only a drawing


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Thanks Maveric seems the information about this one is very rare.

I understand a book exists about this one but no one has it.
A three views from " Taschenbuch der Luftflotten 1926 " (Werner von Langsdorff) :


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Thanks richard, this is the only 3view-drawing I know.
Thanks a lot Richard!!! :) :) :)

But It's a radiator the thing in the drawing between the wheels ? It isn't in the 3d view drawing.
But It's a radiator the thing in the drawing between the wheels ?

Yes, it's a Lamblin radiator, also known as as 'lobster pot' radiator.
This type was widely used on french aircraft in the late WWI-immediate post-WWI period.

Robin thanks for the tip!!! :) It's very logical I can't see any form of radiator in the body of plane.
I think there is a mistake with the technical data published in your source. A little notice about the MC-1 was published in Soviet Samolet magazine, No.5/1925; there was roughly the same 3-view but totally different technical data:

Wing span - 10 m
Length - 6.84 m
Height - 2.12 m
Wing area - 25.37 m2
Empty weight - 700 kg
Flight weight - 1000 kg
Maximum speed - 277 km/h
Landing speed - 105 km/h
Service ceiling - 8900 m
Climbing to 5000 m - 12 minutes
Flight endurance - 3 hours
Armament - 2 machine guns

I think these data are more correct, because they are much more "plausible" (especially dimensions ;) ) for a single-seat fighter which this aircraft appears to be.
from an old Caproni-book:
Superficie portante: 18,70 m²
Apertura alare: 10,00 m
Lunghezza: 6,81 m
Altezza: 2.42 m
Potenza: 300 HP
Peso a vuoto compreso Pilota: 800 kg
Carico utile: 220 kg
Velocita a bassa quota: 277 km
Plafond: 8900 m
Salita a 5000m in 12´
Anno di Construzione: 1922
Third version! :D
(Though mostly similar to mine, excepting wing area).
Well the new data and a drawing from RedStar72 are very interesting.
I'm superimposed the 2 drawings ( just a quick and dirty job :) ) and the are similar but they have a difference in the wing span.

I've tried to scale them, the red line is the one from Richard the blue line from the redstar72.
The green line represents in scale the dimensions from Richard data. I can't fit the drawing to the dimensions.
If I adjust the drawing to fit the wingspan the fuselage is short and of course if I adjust the fuselage the wings are to big for the specified dimensions.

In the second drawing the yellow line represents the second set of dimensions from redstar72/Maveric and the fit perfectly with the second drawing.
So I think one from redstart72 is more accurate.


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More on the fascinating Caproni Ca 64:


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