Canadian Patrol Submarine Project (CPSP, Victoria-class replacement)

With a 60 million CAD estimated cost, the RCN is proposing conventional subs. This sounds low to me considering the Australian Attack Class SSK program was going to cost 90 million AUD for 12 boats.

If the Canadian govt actually funds this, I think Naval Group would be in a strong position to win the bid. Production of the first few boats would most likely need to happen in France if the RCN doesn’t want to have a capability gap if domestic production is part of the plan.
Babcock and HHI sign a technical cooperation agreement for the Canadian Patrol Submarine Project

When they were Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., LTD., Hanwa helped build 2 of the 3 Batch I KSS-III submarines (SK-modified Type 214 subs) and will build a similar number of improved Batch II subs (6 planned).

Hanwa and HHI (Hyundai Heavy Industries) jointly designed the KSS-III in co-operation with HDW.

So Canada does seem to have a viable industrial design team available.

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