Canada - Air Requirements and Directorates


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25 July 2007
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RCAF Air Requirements and Directorates

These are not designations per se - although the Government of Canada regards them as such. Anyway, I hope they may be useful nonetheless. I've always found the swirl of Director-Generals and 'Diretorates' at the Department of National Defence somewhat bewildering. [1] Doubtless, within DNet, there are straightforward directories of directorates (sorry, couldn't resist). But, from the outside, we just have to try to puzzle through the alpha-numeric soup ...

One issue for outsiders is DND's penchant for name-changing, fad-following, and rebrandings. So, for example, the current Directorates of Air Requirements (DARs, DBRAs in French) have defaulted to an early name style when the former Directorates Aerospace Requirements were calved off into Directorates of Space Requirements (DSR) and renewed Directorates of Air Requirements.

In the past, the Directorate(s) of Air Requirements were clearly position under the Chief of Air Staff. So, you would see 'CAS/Directorate of Air Requirements', 'CAS/DAR', etc. Then 'NDHQ/Directorate of Aerospace Requirements' began popping up. That may relate to the adoption of a Commander of the Royal Canadian Air Force position which co-incides with the slightly revised title of Chief of the Air Force Staff (which seems to retain the 'CAS' acronym). In any case, both Commander of the RCAF and CAS offices are within National Defence Headquarters ... which seems to make the 'NDHQ/DAR' usage pointlessly vague.

One will also see the current use of lumped together forms like D Air & Space Programmes (DAR Prog) - with a specific mention of DAR 8 (once UAVs, now RPAS). Other times, the senior Directorate of Air Requirements is referred to as an unnumbered 'DAR' or as 'DAR Prog' without distinction. Other times, you will see 'DAR' attached to specific areas of responsibility but without the known number applied. So, yeah, nothing potentially confusing there.

I should note here that, despite the widespread use of 'Directorates' within DND (and outside), there is no such term in specified GoC usage. Rather, there are simply Directors and their staff. However, just to be contrary ... and too acknowledge that widespread usage ... I will continue to refer to 'Directorates' when listing the DARs.

In GoC, DND, and CF documents, numbered DARs are often referred to as such but without any hint of their functions. As such, I have composed a numerical listing of these Directorates of Air Requirements (as best as I can puzzle them through). After those DARs, I will also list the other DND Directors/Directorates and Directors-General positions that I have come across. But there will be plenty missing. Perhaps other members could contribute as memories are jogged or additional titles are stumbled across?

As always, any updates (preferably with lineages) and/or corrections will be most welcome!
Canada - Directorates of Air Requirements

RCAF Directorates of Air Requirements are listed below. AFAIK, there is no such thing as 'DAR 1' - rather the senior (and numberless) DAR - or DAR Prog - holds that position. So, numbered Directorates are restricted to DAR 2 through to DAR 9.

It should be noted that there are a range of numbered sub-directorates. Most are mentioned in documents without distinction from their parent directorate. I have only mentioned a few of these - eg DAR 6-5 (ALSE) and DAR 9-2 (TacHel). [2] So plenty of gaps to be plugged.

There are also Staffs and PMO (Project Management Offices) falling under the numbered Directorates. For example, the CF-18 Project Staff falls under DAR 5. However, these are named organizations rather than designated one (so probably better left out of our Designation Section). PMOs are also named - eg: the Future Fighter Capability Project (FFCP) PMO - but it not inaccurate to say that any particular PMO fell under the authority a given DAR.


Director/Directorate of Air Requirements = DAR, both former and current position/designation
- French: DBRA, Directeur/Direction - Besoins en ressources aériennes

- Director/Directorate of Air Requirements (DAR Prog) = Programme Coordination

- Directorate of Air Requirements (DAR 1) = None

- Directorate of Air Requirements (DAR 2) = Transport and Search and Rescue (SAR/Air Mobility)

- Directorate of Air Requirements (DAR 3) = Maritime Air and Electronic Warfare and Avionics (Maritime/EW/AVS)
-- DAR 3-6 = (??)
- * DAR 3 is also responsible for allocating Mode S codes to DND/CAF fleets (fitted with transponders)

- Directorate of Air Requirements (DAR 4) = Command and Control Information Systems

- Directorate of Air Requirements (DAR 5) = Fighters and Trainers

- Directorate of Air Requirements (DAR 6) = GSE/ALSE/Clothing
-- DAR 6-? = GSE (Ground Support Equipment)
-- DAR 6-? = GSE Clothing
-- DAR 6-5 = ALSE (Aviation Life Support Equipment)
-- DAR 6-6 = (??)

- Directorate of Air Requirements (DAR 7) = Modeling, Simulation, and Common Training

- Directorate of Air Requirements (DAR 8) = Unmanned Air Vehicles (now RPAS = Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems)

- Directorate of Air Requirements (DAR 9) = Tactical Aviation (TacAv)
-- DAR 9-2 = TacHel (??)
-- DAR 9-2-2 = CH146 Griffon


[1] Note, the form 'Director-General' is mine - the hyphen being inserted for clarity. In DND documents, an unhyphenated 'Director General' is the preferred usage. Dunno why.

[2] As seen under DAR 9, there are also sub-groups within those sub-directorates - the example given being DAR 9-2-2 for the CH146 Griffon under the sub-directorate DAR 9-2 for TacHel generally
RCAF Directorships and Air-Related Directors-Generalships

For sake of completeness, I will list here all of the Air Force Director offices - which is to say, the Air Staff - and RCAF or air-related Directors-Generalships. Due to seniority, the Directors-Generalships will be listed first. Next is the Directorships - which are arranged alphabetically. And for 'searchability', I have inserted 'Director Air Force ...' entries as if those names were also merely alphabetical.

As noted previously, there is no such thing as a DND 'Directorate' in official GoC usage - only Directors. [1] Regardless, I stuck to 'Directorates' in my DAR listing. However, here, I will refer to Directorships by the more succinct 'Director'. [2]


[1] I suspect that Directorate was once 'proper' usage but that 'Director' provided a better translation in Directeur (whereas 'Directorate' would translate as the awkward Direction.

[2] Succinct in two ways. First because, in official usage for Directorships, 'of' is omitted (although 'ou' is not in French). In common (in technically incorrect) usage, 'Directorate of' is used before the designated title.


DND/RCAF Air-Related Directors-Generalships

As before, any and all additions/corrections are most welcome ...

RCAF Directors-General

Director-General Air Force Development = DG Air FD
- French: Directeur général - Développement de la Force aérienne

Director-General Air Readiness = DG Air Rdns
- French: Directeur général - Disponibilité opérationnelle (Air)
-- Formerly the Directorate of Air Readiness and Plans

Director-General Aerospace Equipment Program Management
- French: Directeur général – Gestion du programme d’équipement aérospatial

RCAF Directorships

Director Aerospace Requirements = DAR, former designation
- French: DBA, Directeur - Besoins aérospatiaux

Director Aerospace Requirements and Programme Coordination = DARPC, former designation
- French: DBACP, Directeur - Besoins aérospatiaux et coordination de programme

Director Air Civilian Management Services = DAIRCMSVC or D Air CM Svc, defunct
- French: DSGPC Air, Directeur - Services de gestion du personnel civil (Air)
-- NB: The D Air CM Svc position has since been abolished

Director Air Comptrollership and Business Management = DAIRCBM / D Air CBM
- French: DFCPA Air, Directeur - Fonction de contrôle et planification d'activités (Air) [1]

Director Air Contracted Force Generation = DAIRCFG (or D Air CFG outside DND), former designation
- French: DPCF Air, Directeur - Production à contrat de la force (Air)
-- Now Director Air Simulation and Training (D Air Sim & Trg)

Director Air Domain Development = DDAD
- French: DDDA, Directeur - Développement du domaine aérien
-- Formerly Director Air Strategic Plans (D Air SP)
- The Director Air Domain Development has 3 x subdirectorates:
-- DADD 2: Air Force Information Management/Information Technology
-- DADD 3: C4ISR (Communication Computer Command and Control Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance)
-- DADD 4: Communications, Navigation, Air Surveillance

Director Air Force Employment = DAIRFE (or D Air FE outside DND)
- French: DEF Air, Directeur - Emploi de la force (Air)

Director Air Force Readiness = DAIRFR (or D Air FR outside DND), former designation
- French: DDO AIR, Directeur - Disponibilité opérationnelle (Air)
-- Became Director Air Readiness and Plans; now Director-General Air Readiness

Director Air Information Management = DAIRIM (or D Air IM), former designation
- French: DIG Air, Directeur - Gestion de l'information (Air)
-- Now Director Air Programmes (DAIRPROG)

Director Air Personnel Generation and Training = DAIRPG&T / D Air PG&T, former designation
- French: DPIP Air, Directeur - Production et instruction du personnel (Air)
-- Became D Air PG&T, is now D Air Sp

Director Air Personnel Management and Services = DAITPM&S / D Air PM&S
- French: D Gest Pers Air, Directeur - Gestion et services du personnel (Air)
-- Spelling varies, sometime given as Air Personnel Management Services

Director Air Personnel Production and Development = DAIRPPD / D Air PPD, former designation
- French: D PPP Air, Directeur - Production et perfectionnement du personnel (Air)
-- Now D Air Sp, formerly Air Personnel Generation and Training
-- Sometimes informally given simply as Air Personnel Production

Director Air Personnel Strategy = DAIRPERSSTRAT (or D Air Pers Strat)
- French: DSPA, Directeur - Stratégie du personnel (Air)

Director Air Programmes = DAIRPROG (or D Air Prog outside of DND)
- French: D Prog Air, Directeur - Programmes (Air)
-- Formerly Director Air Information Management (DAIRIM)
-- Spellings vary, often given as Director/Directorate of Air Programs

Director Air Public Affairs = DAIRPA (or D Air PA outside DND)
- French: DAP Air, Directeur - Affaires publiques (Air)

Director Air Readiness and Plans = D Air Rdns & Plans, former designation
- French: DDOP Air, Directeur - Disponibilité opérationnelle et plans (Air)
-- Now Director-General Air Readiness; was Director Air Force Readiness

Director Air Requirements = DAR, both former and current position designation
- French: DBRA, Directeur - Besoins en ressources aériennes
Director Air Simulation and Training = D Air Sim & Trg (former position)

Director Air Review and Corporate Services = DAIRRCS (or D Air RCS), former designation
- French: DESM Air, Directeur - Examen et services ministériels (Air)
-- Now Director Air Staff Coordination (DASCOORD/DAS Coord)

Director Air Simulation and Training = DAIRSIM&TRG (or D Air Sim & Trg)
- French: DSI Air, Directeur - Simulation et instruction (Air)
-- Formerly Director Air Contracted Force Generation (DAIRCFG/D Air CFG)

Director Air Staff Coordination = DASCOORD (or DAS Coord outside of DND)
- French: D Coord EMFA, Directeur - Coordination de l'état-major de la Force aérienne
-- Was Director Air Review and Corporate Services (DAIRRCS/D Air RCS)

Director Air Staff Operational Research = DASOR
- French: DROFA, Directeur - Recherche opérationnelle (Force aérienne)

Director Air Strategic Plans = DAIRSP (or D Air SP outside DND)
- French: DPS Air, Directeur - Plans stratégiques (Air)

Director Air Support = DAIRSP (or D Air Sp outside DND)
- French: D Sout Air, Directeur - Soutien (Air)

Director Flight Safety = DFS
- French: DVS, Directeur - Sécurité des vols

Director Research and Development Air = DRDA, former designation
- French: DRDA, Directeur - Recherche et développement aériens
-- Now Director Science & Technology Air (DSTA)*
-- Properly the Director Science & Technology (Air)

Director Science & Technology (Air) = DSTA
- French: DSTA, Directeur - Sciences et technologie (Air)
-- Also given as 'Director Science & Technology Air'
-- Formerly Director Research and Development Air (DRDA)


[1] Note, DAIRCBM/DFCPA Air was formerly the Comptroller (Air Staff), COMPT(AS). In French, the Contr (FA) or
Contrôleur (Force aérienne). However, these former designations are not listed above because the position was not a directorship.

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