Can a CH-53 lift an aircraft carrier?

Obvious, really. As proved by this F-18, about to snag a carrier with its tailhook.


  • Tiny carrier about to be snagged.jpeg
    Tiny carrier about to be snagged.jpeg
    57.9 KB · Views: 267
I did once complain to the chief editor of a decent newspaper about inaccuracies in aviation-related articles.
He was unmoved, it was a normal state of affairs.
"Journalisten sind Universaldilettanten" was his comment.
I think Fox New mistaken of Heilcarrier with Helicopter and put wrong picture

that's real one...

Should only take a bit of thrust to move the thing around, then it will be great for shopping trips to the stupid market every

He probably has a good supply of original equipment manafacture blue Smarties. The good stuff......

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