CAC Wirraway

Jan den Das

ACCESS: Secret
27 December 2008
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I found the information that one of the versions, never build, was the CA-10.
This was proposed as a divebomber with dive brakes etc.etc.
Who can help me with more information about this project?
Is there, maybe, a 3 side view drawing?
Useful info here:

No drawings of the CA-10 or CA-10A though.
Here is only some information, but no drawings how this project should look.
On the site linked by GTX, the CA-10A is described as ".. a contract for the construction of outer
wing sets incorporating upward-moving split flaps (acting as dive-brakes for dive-bombing) which
were retro-fitted to earlier aircraft."
The Wirraway was used a stopgap in a number of ways, with modification to weapons carried,
but rarely to the basic aircraft, I think. For a dive bomber, I could think of a bomb cradle under
the fuselage, allowing for a bigger bomb, than could be carried under the wings.
But I don't expect drastic changes to the basic design.

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