Bugatti 100P replica searching crowdfunding to fly!!!


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5 September 2007
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  • 100p.jpg
    43.1 KB · Views: 569
Fantastic idea!

Here is the forum's dedicated topic about the Bugatti 100 and 110 projects:,1100.0
I think on this case they are well aware of the rarity and dificcluts to fly this plane.

At the end of kickstarter you can read:

Even today, the Bugatti 100P would be seen as a high-performance, highly complex, state-of-the-art aeroplane. Today, we might call it a "technology demonstrator". Accordingly, this project has risks commensurate with the challenges of bringing such an aeroplane to life.
[/size]So, I hope they be careful if they success to fly that beauty.
March 25th public debut at the Mullin Automotive Museum's Art of Bugatti Exhibition. First flight "following its display". When exactly that is I don't know.

Photos of progress on their Facebook page.
Low speed taxi test. According to their facebook they're using a pair of motorcycle engines for power.
So beautiful.

What sort of power do the motorcycle engines push out on the replica?
Do they mirror the power originally envisaged for the original?

It will be interesting to see what sort of performance can be attained from what is essentially a pre WW2 design.
very sad news...


  • 04i_sep2014_scottywilson584_live.jpg__600x0_q85_upscale.jpg
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Rest in Peace.

Have they any leads yet on what caused the crash?
Fair winds and clear skies Scotty.
This is sad. Bring back painfull memories. Back in 1978 one of the three existing D-520 was brought back to flight status only to crash in 1986, killing the pilot Christian Bove.
Truly a tragedy. Thoughts and prayers for the family.
Very sorry to hear this, I can only hope that they find out what went wrong.
December 30, 2017

NTSB releases final report and all information on the Scotty Wilson accident with the replica Bugatti 100P
On December 11, the NTSB released a follow-up to the earlier factual report (see below news item of november 27), Investigator in Charge being Edward F. Malinowski.

In this final report the probable cause is given, which was not included in the factual report:

Probable Cause

The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident to be:
The pilot's failure to maintain airspeed following an engine anomaly during the initial climb after takeoff, which resulted in the airplane exceeding its critical angle of attack and experiencing an aerodynamic stall. Contributing to the accident was an engine anomaly, the reason for which could not be identified during postaccident examination.

You can download the final report here.

We know from the investigation by the Le Rêve Blue team, that the engine anomaly in question was clutch slippage, apparently a conclusion which the NTSB does not want to publish (Maybe lack of factual proof?).

The NTSB also opened a "Information Docket", a file center with all background studies, which can be found on In this is the following information:

  • Witness Statements
  • Onboard Image Recorder - Group Chairman's Factual Report
  • Attachment 1 to Onboard Image Recorder Factual Report (Shelf Item)
  • Attachment 2 to Onboard Image Recoder Factual Report (Data file)
  • Airplane Performance Study
  • Maps or Charts of Accident Area
  • Toxicological Report - CAMI 201600172001
  • Miscellaneous Information - CAMI Information for Detected Drugs
  • Photos
  • Release of Aircraft Wreckage, NTSB Form 6120.15
(Crash site photos and further information at site)

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