Buccaneer, Phantom and Carrier ops - UK 1970s

Mike Pryce

ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
21 December 2006
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Some interesting videos from YouTube, with some very impressive flying (which even prog rock and modern 'rawk' music barely spoil!).




Great stuff! I love Buccaneers.

Anyone ever seen a similar quality Sea Harrier film on youtube?
Really makes one rather nostalgic - grew up under a low-level transit route so Phantoms were part of the every day 'scenery'. As to the Buccaneer, what sensible, practical sort of platform (internal bomb bay, good range, low-level behaviour etc.). The kind of thing that's arguably needed nowadays. Mind you, 'spose the F35C will do that job... *pause left for contemplation*
SteveO said:
Great stuff! I love Buccaneers.

Anyone ever seen a similar quality Sea Harrier film on youtube?

Not from the Royal Navy, but there is an Indian documentary. Sea Harriers, Sea Kings and INS Viraat (ex HMS Hermes). Plus two very enthusiastic presenters (and annoying modern screen logos etc.)


Ah, young Mike, I do hope you are not referring to the Pink Floyd soundtrack* to that excellent BBC series "Sailor" that followed the Ark's last cruise / voyage?
The on-board TV station had its own Max Headroom compere who called everyone Juan Kerr for some reason.

Chris (back from the bush)

*Sadly only on the original transmission as it was too dear for the VHS. Unfortunately Rod wasn't too dear.
I do hope you are not referring to the Pink Floyd soundtrack
Yes, and Kings of Leon too. Nothing against the bands, just the use of music when fast jets make a better sound.

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