In FLUG REVUE 2/1988 they called it Bromon BR-2000. Bromon Aircraft Company was located in Las Vegas. The company's president was James H Brown (formerly at Lockheed Propulsion and at Hughes Aviation Services). The aircraft was planned as a commuter of the 13 tonnes class, driven by two GE CT7-9C turboprops. The company presented the project on 2 June 1987 in New York City. A narrow time schedule supposed three built prototypes in autumn 1988 and first deliveries at the beginning of 1990!
brontolino, if you are able to read German I can send you the description and technical data from the mentioned FLUG REVUE (send a personal message to me).
For English speaking readers I want to refer to JAWA 1988-89 (page 372) and JAWA 1989-90 (p393).