British WWII 3000lb "Journey's End" bomb


Senior Member
2 January 2011
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While doing research on another project I came across an AAF reference to a British 3000lb bomb called "Journey's End".

Does anyone have any good information on this bomb or a link to which I can refer?

Many thanks.

It's in Vulcan's Hammer. Homing anti-capital ship bomb, formerly called the Cherwell-Jefferis (sic) bomb then Journey's End. Dates from 1944, HESH warhead, TV-guidance and obsolete by 1947. Replaced with Blue Boar. Aimed (sorry!) at destruction of Japanese warships. Big 'uns. I think I have more in a file somewhere.

I assume you have Line-Controlled Tallboy as well?

I have a feeling that it was to replace the Disney Bomb, which was American but to a British Admiralty spec. I think.

British Secret Projects - Hypersonics, Ramjets & Missiles has a couple of paragraphs on the journey's End bomb. The datils given there are pretty much as CJGibson described. To summarise:
  • It was designed by Lord Cherwell and Brigadier Jeffries (and originally called the Cherwell/Jefferis bomb)
  • It was intended to attack Japanese ships
  • Renamed to "Journey's End" sometime before the end of WW2
  • Used a TV guidance system and a single shot rocket motor to provide "final control"
  • Wasn't very capable and got deemed obsolete in 1947.
Aye, I wrote both.
Note that Jefferis is the correct spelling of the brigadier's name.


Chris (and others)

Thank you very much for your responses.

Immediately after posting my question I called my friend and fellow researcher in the UK, Clive Richards. He was nice enough to share quite a bit of information about the weapon, including about your (Chris') reference to it in "Vulcan's Hammer", which I don't have.

I've since found additional references to the weapon, including an AAF internal communication that goes into a bit of detail about an RAF British investigation into various schemes that could be used to carry "Journey's End" in the Lancaster/Lincoln aircraft. There were five schemes. I have the id's on the drawings, but obviously not the drawings themselves. Yet.

Chris, in your research did you come across any of this? Do you happen to have a photo and/or drawing of "Journey's End"? If so, can I obtain copies?

Chris, I haven't contacted our mutual friend, Tony Buttler, about this yet, so perhaps he might have more info.

Thanks again to all.

I was concentrating on the postwar projects; Blue Boar, Yellow Sand and Green Cheese, so haven't looked into Journey's End so not seen any drawings or photos. It gets mentioned in the Blue Boar documents I have. Are you looking at Helmover?

Thanks, Chris.

No, I'd never heard of the Helmover until you mentioned it, but have since googled it. My project involves looking at US big bombers carrying the Tall Boy and Grand Slam and the modifications necessary to be able haul those babies to Japan and make life miserable for them during and post-invasion scheduled for Nov. 1, 1945. The "Journey's End" was discussed in several internal communications, thus my curiosity.


Earthquake bombs to an earthquake zone. Talk about coals to Newcastle.


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