British Nuclear Weapons - WE177A / WE177B / WE177C


ACCESS: Confidential
16 September 2020
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Tring to find out more about these weapons and technical data. Was there an Australian connection? Where were they tested? Maralinga Australia?
No Australian connection, the WE177 series was a British developed improvement of the US W59 developed after the failure of the joint US-UK Skybolt program to develop a air dropped version of the warhead used by the Minuteman missile. The British test detonations (24) were all conducted at Nevada.
No Australian connection, the WE177 series was a British developed improvement of the US W59 developed after the failure of the joint US-UK Skybolt program to develop a air dropped version of the warhead used by the Minuteman missile. The British test detonations (24) were all conducted at Nevada.
Ws Blue Danube and blue steel tested in Australia was violet Club and YellowSun tested in Australia? Thank you for the info
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UK nuclear tests

YearNo. of testsYieldTotalLocation
Proof of concept1952125 kt25 ktMonte Bello, AustraliaShip
Blue Danube195328-10 kt18 ktEmu Field, AustraliaTower
Red Beard/Blue Danube1956215-60 kt75 ktMaralinga, AustraliaTower
Red Beard/Blue Danube195642-15 kt30 ktMaralinga, AustraliaTower/Ground/Air drop 150m
Pixie/Indigo Hammer/Red Beard195731-27 kt34 ktMaralinga, AustraliaTower/Balloon 300m
Various UK designs1957-1958924-3000 kt7,869 ktChristmas Island, KiribatiAtmospheric
WE 177/UK improved Polaris/UK Trident1961-1991240-140 kt1,232 ktNevada, USUnderground
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UK nuclear tests

YearNo. of testsYieldTotalLocation
Proof of concept
125 kt25 ktMonte Bello, Australia
Blue Danube195328-10 kt18 ktMonte Bello, Australia
Red Beard/Blue Danube1956215-60 kt75 ktMaralinga, Australia
Red Beard/Blue Danube195642-15 kt30 ktMaralinga, Australia
Pixie/Indigo Hammer/Red Beard195731-27 kt34 ktMaralinga, Australia
Various designs1957-1958924-3000 kt7,869 ktChristmas Island, Kiribati
WE 177/Polaris/Trident1961-1991240-140 kt1,232 ktNevada, US
Sincere thanks. May i use this and i will cite it. Is that Ok? Please provide me with the citation details. Again Sincere thanks
What was proof of concept?
Sincere thanks. May i use this and i will cite it. Is that Ok? Please provide me with the citation details. Again Sincere thanks
What was proof of concept?

Own research sorry, atomicarchive plus I flushed out the details. The first device wasnt intended as a deployable design but it would feed into the Blue Danube design.

Sincere thanks. May i use this and i will cite it. Is that Ok? Please provide me with the citation details. Again Sincere thanks
What was proof of concept?
Pixie/Indigo Hamme ? Could you provide some details of these please?

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