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48" engine body diameter may well require a major redesign of the F-14 aft end (and we saw what doing that to the F-4 for Spey did to it).

Here are the engines that went into the F-14:

TF30-P-412/414 (F-14A): thrust 12,350 lb (20,900 lb); weight 3,969 lb; length 125” main body /235.5” incl. afterburner; diameter 42.06” main body (50.90” afterburner module); SFC .63/2.78

F110-GE-400 (F-14B/D): thrust 16,800 lb (27,000 lb); weight 4,404 lb; length 110” main body/232.2” including afterburner; diameter 46.45” main body (52” over afterburner module); SFC.735/2.00

The F110 only fit in because the engine bays had been designed for the never-approved "F101 DFE", which was just about the same size.

An extra 1.5" main body diameter increase might be too far - my understanding was that fitting the F110 in required a lot of adjusting of the movable stuff outside the main engine casing and of the internal engine bay structure to work.

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