British Aviation


ACCESS: Confidential
12 December 2007
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All, Hopefully the moderator will not mind a bit of self advertising. I have just published the first iteration of my website, British Aviation – Projects to Production ( To quote from the site preamble, the objective is to attempt to identify and list all aircraft designs that have emanated from the United Kingdom, whether design projects that never left the drawing board, one off prototypes or production types and, for those that did produce hardware, to identify every airframe. Currently, only companies beginning with the letter ’A’ are covered, but progress will (hopefully!) steadily continue through the alphabet. I hope some of you might find a few useful bits and pieces and possibly offer feedback to increase our overall knowledge. Good browsing!! Roger Moss
I really can't wait for B to Z...

Preparing a similar site for American aircraft and I know what a heck of a task it can be...
Maybe we could group input the data? By breaking down and enter the data? I would be willing to assist.
Many thanks to all for the kind words and thanks for fixing the link.
FYI, entries in the 'A' index without a link are not because I have missed that entry but because it will be included under an alpabetically later heading (for example, Aero Research will be covered under de Bruyne, Aerogypt under Helmy etc.). I am currently preparing basic template pages for each company, with no data, so I can create all the links and then at least the reader knows what is coming. That will happen over the next few months.
PaulMM, you a Hawker fan or something?? Actually I have considered doing the updates 'non-linearly', the idea being to get a good feeling of accomplishment and not get bogged down with large entries. Letter 'B' is a good examaple, as it contains the most companys (100 at the last count) including some difficult ones. It won't be easy getting a good list of BAC or BAe projects as most have yet to be in published works. My ability to do original research is limited by distance (I live in the US!) so rely entirely on the work of others.
Loren, thank you very much for the offer of help and I hope I don't seem ungrateful if I decline. I want this to remain under a cental control and not become some form of Wiki. There are things that others can help with, though, especially in the area of references. I obviously cannot peruse all that is published about British Aviation and one of the main things I wanted this site to do was provide good references for the reader to get more information. Any good references I haven't listed that anyone thinks worth adding, please let me know, especially for those entries with few.
Thanks again. This project will continue, but it is going to be a long time in the making (yes, I do have a life!!)

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