Britain - India Defence Cooperation Agreement

Not much apart from posturing. Sadly India tie immigration to any agreement being sought with them.
It’s hardly surprising, that there is quid pro quo involved in trade deals and other types of international agreements.
In fairness to India (and I’m certainly no fan of their current administration) they have been very consistent on this point and there is a very basic concept at play; you can’t sustainably and fairly reduce barriers to trade without also doing so for labour.
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I would have thought it obvious! Russia is effectively embedded within India's various air force and navy acquisition programmes. Vikrant particularly comes to mind. Why would "we" want to co-operate on defence matters with a nation likely to hand over anything and everything gleaned to their strategic partner of decades?!! I wouldn't give a rusty penny for anyone's assurances it wouldn't happen. India's track record on such matters is....well, in the interests of clarity, poor.

However, since as @Foo Fighter points out, it is all lip service due to an unlikely immigration rider, I'm assuaged somewhat. I really do wish that this p-poor government would exercise better judgement on it's defence partners though. I feel better to an extent about recent announcements re Japan. We have some common defence interests, being island nations and all and Japan has at least made the right noises re a certain bellicose neighbour (and that is straining my predilection for niceties as far as it will go)! India however, hah! I'd much rather we stuck to the mundane trades.

The Russians being in the office next door to the UK's would-be office was merely figurative, naturally. :rolleyes:
As usual these things depend on the small print.
I mean its not like in the past India hasn't built Vickers tanks, Leander-class frigates, Gnats, Avro 748s and Jaguars under licence or brought Sea Eagle and other weapons from us over the years...

India has played all sides for kit over the years. Increasingly they are becoming US-supply oriented and a large chunk of that supply could conceivably come from BAE Systems. And that's probably where the deal mostly covers, can't see MBDA handing over its weaponry secrets without the approval of its EU-based partner nations, and any BAE export deals would probably need Washington's seal of approval depending on what is being offered.

Of course this could be a sop to Delhi to assuage any envy over Aukus too.
India will be opposite to whatever Pakistan does as far as defence goes especially. The US offer of F-16 production which reduces costs too, was imho, a reference to the increasing reliance of Pakistan on the PRC and Russia. I see much more investment and influence in that nation than anywhere else for a while too although the Pacific chain is a long term goal. The very thing AKUS is supposed to counter.
I somehow doubt being an island nation makes any difference to the issue.
Huh? Two nations in a maritime diaspora whose sea-borne lines of communication are critical to their respective economies have no commonality whatsoever in defence matters? Well, if you say so.
Did I say "no commonality whatsoever"?? Please don't misquote me.

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