Bristol "Standard Bomber"


ACCESS: Confidential
29 July 2006
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There's an entry for this in "British Secret Projects - Fighters and Bombers 1935-1950". I've had the book for a couple of years, but I've only just spotted it - it's a small paragraph and drawing in one of the appendices. The design was essentially a stretched, four-engined Blenheim.

Does anyone have any more information?
Hi Merv p

The Aircraft is mentioned in the Bristol 'Putnam' ( pg 308-310 ) it gives,
Span 96ft
Length 68ft
Fin 15ft tall
Crew of 4, 4,000lbs bomb load, speed 275mph with Mercury IX or 300mph with Taurus, Range 2000 miles at 225mph.
Weights all-up Mercuries 37,500lbs and 38,500lbs Taurus.

It does seem to be a scaled up Blenheim

Thanks, Colin - yes, those specs match the ones in the other book exactly.
For those who don't have the book a low quality capture under fair use rules
original source bristol archive printed in the book mentioned in first post.


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I remember reading about this a while ago, possibly in "British Secret Projects - Fighters and Bombers 1935-1950" and always wondering about that big tail. This is one of those aircraft I love to see made into a model or simulated. I wonder what they would have called it had it gone into production, possibly another of John Churchill's victories perhaps?
High altitude bomber?


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Possibly not, from what I can remember of the period Britain was not interested in high altitude bombers.

I wonder what Flitzer would make of it.
I've tried some websearching but with no luck, after some thought I'm going to call his one the Bristol Ramillies
Have tried further searching with no luck.

Still waiting for that artists impression...?

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