bristol-alfa romeo engine


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11 October 2023
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Dear Friends, I'm trying to realize an overview of Alfa Romeo in aviation.
I found a picture in the Alfa Romeo Museum archives showing a turbojet (?) engine defined as "Bristol Proteus maintenance" and PROBABLY dated 1948, placed in the Portello factory in Milan.
I know that, even after the war, there were agreements between Bristol and Alfa Romeo to install and maintain british engines in Italy.
The point is that the picture seems not related to Bristol Proteus but to another unidentified engine.
Can you help me giving identity to this engine ?
Thank you


  • Bristol Proteus B.jpg
    Bristol Proteus B.jpg
    75.6 KB · Views: 34
Dear Friends, I've been told that the engine in the pic is a De Havilland Ghost, licensed for production in Italy to a consortium of Fiat/Aermacchi/Alfa Romeo in the late forties. Assuming the above for true, this could explain the engine in the Alfa Romeo Portello factory in Milan.
I still wait confirmation by some of you.
Thank you.
If I may, from the looks of it, de Havilland Venom fighters and their Ghost engines were to be produced in Italy by Aeronautica Macchi, FIAT and ALFA Romeo, the three firms collaborating within an existing conglomerate, the Società Italiana Commissionaria Materiale Aeronautico (SICMAR). The project fell through, however, at least in part because the American government politely refused to provide funding for the project, and this despite the preparatory work already done in Italy.

In the end, FIAT produced a number of Ghosts, seemingly for use on the de Havilland Sea Venoms / SNCASE Aquilon all weather fighters of the French navy's Aéronautique navale.

It should be noted that Aeronautica Macchi, FIAT and ALFA Romeo had already produced a number of de Haviland Vampire fighters and Goblin engines for the Italian air force.

In any event, some info on the FIAT Goblins and Ghosts can be found at
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