Breguet Alize


ACCESS: Confidential
24 April 2008
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Greetings and salutations,

I'm doing some research into one of my favourite aircraft, the Breguet Br.1050 Alize and have a question. Could the Alize carry an auxiliary fuel tank in it's bomb bay to increase it's range? Plus any info on the Alize that's not on the internet would be gratefully received. There is not as much info out there as you might think concerning this cold war warrior. Cheers.
Hi Nova
The Breguet Alizé had
4 fuel tanks in the wings
4 fuel tanks in the fuselage for a total of 2100 liters
and it could have an auxilary fuel tank for 500 liters
in the bombs bay
Short but sweet. Cheers Toura!
Where did you get this info? Is there a definative book on the Alize?
Dear Nova
I read this in a very very old "Aviation magazine" but i'm not able to find it
promply !!
but...look at the " etude Docavia"
you have a good documentation
see Description sommaire du Br 1050
part 2 to show the supplementary fuel tank.
toura said:

Unfortunately the link doesn't work. My Firefox says it can't find server.

Are you sure the address has been spelled correctly?

My dear Petrus
!!!! it works ?
Perhaps it is good ,,??,
It is bad !!!
but if I ask, writing my demand on my P C it is good !! ?
I don't understand I arrive on the "Etude docavia " it's well

This is
Greetings and salutations,
The Breguet Alize had a Rolls Royce Dart turboprop whereas the Breguet Vultur it was derived from had an Armstrong Siddeley Mamba. I vaguely remember hearing that this was because Armstrong Siddeley told Breguet to wait for its Mambas while Rolls Royce was only too happy to supply its Dart immediately. Can anyone confirm or refute this story? Cheers
As a side note, if I may, did Breguet study or propose a AEW derivative of the Br.1050 Alize for the French or foreign navies?

Yes, they did. As an answer to a request of the French Navy in 1957, Breguet came up with two
versions, both carrying an APS 20 radar, one in a ventral, the other in a dorsal radome. Drawings
from Jean Cuny, Docavia 6, "Les Avions Breguet (1940/1971)"


  • Alize_AEW_ventral.jpg
    37.8 KB · Views: 406
  • Alize_AEW_dorsal.jpg
    44.2 KB · Views: 402
Oh wow how interesting!
Thank you Jemiba, I always thought an AEW derivative of the Br.1050 made sense, but just wasn't sure if it had capacity to carry radar/systems of the day! Do you have any information as to why the French Navy never preceded with putting it into operational service?

Many thanks again

I only know, what Jean Cuny wrote:
The design office seems to have favoured the dorsal radome, and modification of an the Br.965 prototype or one of
the pre-series aircraft was offered, because the Navy wasn't willing to sacrifice one of the series aircraft. But the
project seems to have been abandoned at the beginning of the sixties, probably because of budget constraints.
Nevertheless, the Navy remained interested in AEW, because Dassault proposed a variant of the Spirale and Breguet
was asked to design specialised aircraft, leading to the Br. 123.
Nice, didn't knew about the Spirale. Could have been France very own C-2 / E-2 / S-2, Tracker and Hawkeye altogether.

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